And there's Myanmar, Armenia, Syria, Moldova, Kashmere...and...and...

There should be a number of caveats to the statement in that toot, like there are more things going on besides just Israel and Sudan, and it's not like nobody cares because Jews aren't involved. The reason why the world's attention is focused on just two wars is because either of those two wars could set off World War III as if we aren't already in World War III. I maintain that we are.

specked :is: :uk: :usa: :pr: - 2024-02-11 03:04:13 GMT

Currently, over 20 million people in Sudan are starving to death, with nearly 25 million, half of the country's population, urgently requiring humanitarian aid.Since the blame cannot be shifted onto the Jews for this crisis, nearly nobody cares to acknowledge it, especially those who are quick to fault Israel for conflicts initiated by Hamas.

#sudan #gaza #hamas #israel #Palestine