

The International Court of Justice has refused to order #Germany to stop sending #weapons and aid to Israel, rejecting a request from #Nicaragua.

Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms and other support to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with #Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

So much for genocide preventation.

Once again we witness the impunity of the apartheid genocidal regime of Israel and it's global network of supporters.

#Genocide #ICJ #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


The International Court of Justice has refused to order #Germany to stop sending #weapons and aid to Israel, rejecting a request from #Nicaragua.

Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms and other support to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with #Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

So much for genocide presentation. Once again we witness the impunity of the apartheid genocidal regime of Israel and it's global network of supporters.

#Genocide #ICJ #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


"I want to make things clear : I don't give a flying fuck about anything"


#israel #gaza #netanyahou


Hardcore Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: "We must obliterate #Rafah, Deir al-Balah, and Nuseirat. The memory of the Amalek must be erased. No partial destruction will suffice; only absolute and complete devastation."

He has strong position and support in Israeli government. Do not expect him accepting anything less even if the hostage exchange deal have reached.

They want to make Gaza unhabitable. PERIOD.

Nothing short of that is defeat and unacceptable for fascist coalition government of #Netanyahu.

But #GenocideJoe and Israeli friendly media want us to believe that the negotiations are about a lasting ceasefire, removal of all Israeli forces from Gaza and letting displaced Palestinians to move back to northern #Gaza.

Don't fall for their lies

Without strong international pressure z Israel will not bend. EVER.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Durch den vielen Opportunismus in den sozialen Medien werden gemäßigte und rationale Stimmen, die Argumente für die Seite Palästinas ergreifen, leider ertränkt. Aber es gibt sie. Loner Box ist ein Beispiel. Normalerweise macht er Video Essays auf Youtube. Ich kann mit diesem Format oft nichts anfangen, weil es meist schlecht recherchiert ist und Leute oft nicht auf Kritik eingehen. Aber auf seinem 2. Kanal diskutiert Loner Box Fragen seiner Follower:innen und analysiert Argumente des Konflikts in Israel/Palästina, und schafft es trotz arabisch-schottischer Herkunft weder zu befangen, noch arrogant westlich zu sein. Und es ist erfrischend zumindest mal jeamanden zu haben, der für Palästina auch sprechen kann, ohne Kindermörder zu schreien.

Beispiel-Video, wo es um den Fall beim Internationalen Gerichtshof geht und wie die Entscheidung dort überbewertet wird:

#palästina #israel #lonerbox #icj




1 month ago
Deek on the subject of the #warming of the oceans....the reason is down to massive under water #volcanic activity.....this has resulted in 20% more H20 up in the #atmosphere....this has to come back down, thus more rain....the geoengineering of the rainfall to fall in preferred areas where the populations need influenced is the man made aspect of this winters #climate-change. See Tom Nelson Podcast for more of this. Cheers enjoyed the show!

Long Live #Israel - Death To #Extremists - Democracy and Freedum will prevail - hahahah - #FKNNewz #Fkn #Newz