

Medien und BĂźrgerkrieg im Sudan: Ein von vielen vergessener Konflikt

Selbst afrikanische Nachrichtenagenturen vernachlässigen die Berichterstattung ßber den Bßrgerkrieg im Sudan. Konfliktparteien kämpfen um die sozialen Medien.#tazPanterStiftung #Sudan #Nordafrika #Pressefreiheit #Afrika #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Medien und BĂźrgerkrieg im Sudan: Ein von vielen vergessener Konflikt


A book in #India and also in #Kashmir published by the government of India for 6th graders just mentioned #Khomeini one of the most evil persons in history.

People I n Kashmir and some other parts of India have been protesting while carrying the pictures of #Khomeini.

It's just sad to see these people are more upset about a provocation by the Indian government to put Khomeini by the side of people like Hitler or Gingiz Khan. He was an evil man, no doubt about it, but in the global terms he wouldn't even get close to monsters like #Kissinger or king #Leopold.

These same people have been so damn quiet about the ongoing #genocide in #Gaza or #Sudan
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#Politics #Iran



Those 7 countries, #Iraq, #Syria, #Lebannon, #Libya, #Somalia, #Sudan, and #Iran have since been attacked, and some destroyed. It is easier to see at this point in time that the end goal for destroying those countries was for Israel's expansion into 'greater Israel', control of regional oil resources and trade routes through Israel. Lybia was about to switch to gold based currency and ditch the petro dollar. USA-Israel couldn't allow that. The displacement and genocide of Palestinians was an implicit part of the plan.

This cabal of warmongers couldn't foresee that #Russia would come to the rescue of Syria, and that #China would form a strong trade connection with Iran. So now the cabal is seeing its decades-long grand plan about to be snatched from their bloody hands. Instigating #WW3 is indeed their last resort.


Sudan vor 140 Jahren: Verlustreicher Aufstand gegen Kolonialismus

Sudan vor 140 Jahren - Ein verlustreicher Aufstand gegen Kolonialismus

Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts rebellierten sudanesische Mahdi-Kämpfer gegen die Fremdherrschaft. Sie waren Anhänger des islamisch-politischen Führers Mohammad Ahmad#Geschichte #AFRIKA #KOLONIALISMUS #ÄGYPTEN #Großbritannien #ENGLAND #Sudan
Sudan vor 140 Jahren: Verlustreicher Aufstand gegen Kolonialismus


380,000 children escaping war in #Sudan have been forced to seek refuge in neighbouring eastern #Chad.

Among other challenges, they are also vulnerable to deadly diseases, often caused by the lack of safe water and basic hygiene.

#UNICEF is providing clean water and health services to families. However, what children urgently need is peace.



And there's Myanmar, Armenia, Syria, Moldova, Kashmere...and...and...

There should be a number of caveats to the statement in that toot, like there are more things going on besides just Israel and Sudan, and it's not like nobody cares because Jews aren't involved. The reason why the world's attention is focused on just two wars is because either of those two wars could set off World War III as if we aren't already in World War III. I maintain that we are.

♲ specked :is: :uk: :usa: :pr: - 2024-02-11 03:04:13 GMT

Currently, over 20 million people in Sudan are starving to death, with nearly 25 million, half of the country's population, urgently requiring humanitarian aid.Since the blame cannot be shifted onto the Jews for this crisis, nearly nobody cares to acknowledge it, especially those who are quick to fault Israel for conflicts initiated by Hamas.

#sudan #gaza #hamas #israel #Palestine


The world is waging war on its children, in an obscene mockery of international law

The Guardian

From Gaza to Ukraine, from Sudan to Myanmar, youngsters are being raped, abducted, maimed, killed and even recruited as soldiers.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Palestinian child looking for food
A Palestinian child carries empty containers to get food distributed by charities as Israeli attacks continue in Rafah, Gaza, on 25 January. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images.

Callous disregard for civilian lives and safety is a disturbing feature of modern armed conflict. From Ukraine and Gaza to Sudan and Myanmar, respect for the “laws of war” is being eroded or is non-existent. Non-combatants are deliberately targeted. Most shocking, and unforgivable, is the wanton harm – the UN term is “grave violations” – done to children.

In his latest report on children and conflict, UN secretary general António Guterres warned that children “continued to be disproportionately affected” by war-related violence and abuses. By this, he meant killing and maiming, rape, sexual violence, abductions, school attacks and recruitment of child soldiers. All were on the rise, he said. (...)

How shaming all this is. How truly shocking. That adults and nations choose to fight each other is normal, though regrettable. But a world war on children? How did it come to this?

Complete article

Tags: #laws_of_war #international_law #Ukraine #Gaza #Sudan #Myanmar #isael #russia #children #Ethiopia #tigray #Boko_Haram #nigeria #Ecuador #Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo #Palestine #Somalia #Syria #Afghanistan #Yemen #Burkina_Faso #Mali