

The ministry of health, operating under #Hamas, has systematically inflated the death toll by failing to distinguish between civilian and combatant deaths, over-reporting fatalities among women and children and even including individuals who died before the conflict began.




Fragen über #Syrien von Martin ...

Siehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSk_8w6vVzg

Und wieder einmal zeigt sich, ob du als Terrorist, Freiheitskämpfer oder moderater Rebell gelabelt wird hängt von der momentanen Stimmung der Deutungshoheit ab. Deswegen seid immer kritisch, wenn solche Begriffe in der Mainstream-Presse verwendet werden.

#politik #völkerrecht #menschenrechte #problem #krieg #terror #rebellen #freiheit #zukunft #usa #russland #IS #Daesh #Nahost #Kolonialismus #Besatzung #Israel #Türkei #Islamismus #Presse #journalismus #EU #Umsturz #Regierung #Hamas #Hisbollah #Palestina


Waffenruhe im Libanon: Der Hoffnungsschimmer

Waffenruhe im Libanon - Immerhin ein Hoffnungsschimmer

Die Waffenruhe zwischen Israel und Hisbollah ist die erste gute Nachricht aus der Region seit langem. Kann das auch zu Fortschritten im Gaza-Streifen führen?#GAZA #Libanon #ISRAEL #Hisbollah #HAMAS #KRIEG #Frieden #NAHEROSTEN
Waffenruhe im Libanon: Der Hoffnungsschimmer


BREAKING NEWS: Judges at the International Criminal Court ( #ICC) have issued #arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and former defence minister, as well as Hamas's military commander.

A statement said a pre-trial chamber had rejected Israel’s challenges to the court’s jurisdiction and issued warrants for Benjamin #Netanyahu and Yoav #Gallant.

A warrant was also issued for Mohammed Deif, although the Israeli military has said he was killed in an air strike in Gaza in July.

The judges found “reasonable grounds” that the three men bore "criminal responsibility" for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during the war between Israel and Hamas. Both Israel and #Hamas have rejected the allegations.

#Israel #Gaza #WarCrime #Politics