This article is from last year, and I don't know if policies might have changed, but this is a dangerous and alarming trend in Europe:

How Denmark’s Syrian refugee residency move reflects shifting policies across Europe (this is a fancy way of saying Denmark's government wants to deport refugees from war-torn Syria sending them back to certain torture and persecution)

Rasha does not know how her attempt to appeal will turn out, but one thing is clear. “I can’t go back to #Syria,” Rasha said, her voice breaking as she recalled the #Syrian secret #police knocking on doors in her neighbourhood on the outskirts of #Damascus, asking about her after she had an argument with her boss. Rasha assumes her boss reported her to the security #forces out of spite after their fight – a not uncommon revenge tactic for those looking to settle scores.

This is why all governments should be abolished and all people should have total and complete freedom of movement.

#news #europe #refugees #humanitarian #crisis #HumanRights

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