Meanwhile, in Twitter land....

Many people use and refer to it, many people ignore it or find it aversive...

But whatever one's relation to it, a regular source of info, social contact with large audiences, getting likes/follows, or seeing cartoons - Twitter has been a known entity, in its last glory days with layers of celebrities and power users and mere mortals selectively tuning in.

So now, while it's not my home turf and I'm just a speck of dust in the wind, I watch it as a social scientist and chronicler of social media. And my subjective filters include personal recollection of having a platform I and many actively used and loved for 8 years, exterminated by Google. Leaving a huge vacuum in Cyberspace and scattering people about, many 'homeless'.

This moment in time I feel bad both for employees, and for innocent users of the non-celebrity type, of which there are many, good people pursuing noble causes & topics (environment, animal rights, human rights, cooking tips, humor, sports, literature, etc.)
Some of these people worked for years, or just organically grew, large followings, just as many on Google+ did (communities, etc.)

And today across Twitter are posts like this, today being akin to the end days of Google+ (for me, anyway), watching the count-down clock to 'existential destruction' before are eyes as pieces went dead. At #Twitter, today remaining staff were unceremoniously locked out of work programs (some accounts of this, being signed off accounts etc.) Impacting employees, for sure. Upsetting many "on principle" with #Musk's inane, naive, and powered-by- #TrumpVirus posts and proclamations, tearing down the Town Square and then charging its star attractions for their name verification (rather than being paid, as suggested by King), and as people leave, talk of two tiers, changing its core functions/services, and otherwise driving "woke" people away. Maybe it's his intent (like 'catch & hold').

Anyway.... "just a thought". For many it's not set in, others are freaking and/considering "what next", "where now"....
Even the small fraction who rely on Twitter as a base for "social" more than informational/political/commercial uses - I feel bad for, having been there, done that. More than once. But Twitter, if I may quote the (real) President, is "a big f---ing deal". Sad to watch.

#communication #information #media #SocialMedia #truth #disinformation #GQP #MakeAmericaSaneAgain