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Without the blue states, the whole nation would collapse. As it is, the red states are doing their very best to drag us down. This needs to be shouted from the hills. Republicans have absolutely NO IDEA what they’re doing on the economy.

Even if conservatives win, liberals hold all the cards. At the end of the day a nation has to produce something of actual value and conservatives don’t… they just don’t. Liberals do all the work, if they go on strike, what’s going to happen? Who is going to pay the bills for the uneducated, freeloading conservatives? The world economy doesn't run on thoughts and prayers and bad manners.

This is a great video about avoiding fallacies in benchmarking, specifically around Kotlin. One thing they used during tests is a "blackhole" object to make sure that compilers don't optimize away code from loops. The implementation goes back to a GPL2 licensed one in the JVM. I wonder if it would make sense to port that to Dart. Dart already has benchmarking harnesses but having a black hole evaluator could be interesting. #DartLang #kotlin #programming
- YouTube

Almost a year of genocide, and almost all major news networks have stopped posting news from ongoing genocide in Gaza.

No UN team was sent to Gaza to investigate those mass Graves.

No EU delegates were takilen picture condemning these crime against humanity and calling for the criminals to face justice.

No western media EVER going to put this on their front page.

Unofficial number of casualties in Gaza is close to half a million people, including the 41000 verified killed, over 180000 injured, 10s of thousands missing and thousands of children lost at least a limb and scared for life.

It has been a year of shameless hypocrisy and complicity in one of the most well documented mass murderer in our history

#MassGraves #WarCrime #NeverForget #NeverForgive #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel

CHANCE OF MORE X-FLARES TODAY: The solar disk is filled with big sunspots. Three of them (3842, 3843, 3848) have unstable 'delta-class' magnetic fields that harbor energy for strong solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chence of M-class flares and a 35% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.

#X-ray #Solar #Flares
6-hr max: M1 0825 UT Oct05
24-hr: M1 0825 UT Oct05
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 1200 UT

this morning i noticed that calibre wasn't able to back up new books into my ebook library any more. i hoped it was just a quirk in the DeDRM plugins that could be mended with a newer version. and so it was. with this version here instead of the older one (i still had 7.something) everything works as it should.

#calibre #ebooks

Release v10.0.9 (RC1 for 10.1.0) Β· noDRM/DeDRM_tools


Since quite a bit of code has changed, this is a beta / RC release before v10.1.0 is released. I don't expect there to be any new bugs, though.

Versions 10.0.4(s), 10.0.5(s) and 10.0.6(s) were rele...