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#animaux #FLA #ALF #antispecisme #protectionanimale #kunisme #diogène
Don't like sharing about US election circus but this is actually too funny to let go.
#Funny #Humor #Politics #PoliticalHumor #USelection #USpolitics #Alians #Alf #Dumbfuckistan
When ALF was a thing
21 min sitcom #video
Certain.e.s ont été choqué.e.s par les images diffusées par L214 hier à propos d'un abattoir Bigard (Charal, Socopa). Vous croyiez quoi, qu'on leur chantait une berceuse avant de les assassiner ? Aucun animal ne va à l'abattoir en faisant des claquettes. La "viande heureuse" n'existe pas. Cela vous rassure peut-être mais vous savez en votre for intérieur que c'est un pur mensonge. Et tout ça pour quoi ? pour une histoire de goût ? Votre appétit occulte t'il tant que ça votre lucidité devant la justice ?
Si vous arrêtez d'acheter, ils arrêtent de tuer. C'est vous les commanditaires. Posez-vous juste une question: "pourquoi leur vie serait-elle moins importante que la votre ?"
We know that these images are not very nice to see, but we think it is very important for you to know the story of Eder and what happened to him.
Eder was a laying hen. Hens that have been genetically selected over the years to lay the maximum amount of eggs possible per year. This is usually more than 320 eggs per year, when their closest relatives that have not been modified by man, lay an average of 30 eggs, in three clutches per year. You can imagine the wear and tear such aberrant egg production puts on these hens. As if this were not enough, when the production drops, which is usually after two years, they are sent to the slaughterhouse (let's not forget that the life expectancy of a hen is 10 years).
Two years of suffering without seeing the sun or feeling the air, crammed in a farm where they cannot breathe due to the accumulation of ammonia produced by their own feces, which causes serious respiratory problems. And all for an egg.
Eder had to undergo surgery this week because one of those eggs got stuck in her abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis. Everything you see in the tray in the picture was inside her abdomen. When she went into surgery she weighed 1.8 kg and when she came out she weighed 1.4 kg. Almost a third of his weight of putrefied material. And she was already carrying a hormonal implant to try to reduce ovarian activity and thus lower her egg laying. Unfortunately, Eder could not survive the postoperative period and died.
When someone tells you again, as we have been told so many times, that eggs do no harm, you can tell them Eder's story.