

Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel dropped as an NBC contributor following outcry

She had zero credibility and a record of lying, gaslighting and making public character assassination attempts against the very reporters, pundits and staff that NBC management was hiring her to work in this position. She was Trump's RNC hatchet woman for nearly 6 years and it was crazy for them to have thought bringing her in was a good idea.

And That Didn't Take Long For Them To Ditch The Trump Cuckoo

#News #Media #RNC #RonnaMacDaniel #TrumpCuckoo #NBC #NBCNews #DontHireRepublicans #BoycottTrumpies #NPR


In addition, it appears that the MSNBC on-air crew have staged an on-air strike. They're not spending their hour talking all about news and politics elsewhere--they're spending quality on-air time talking about management's politics.

Ron Franke - 2024-03-25 23:15:30 GMT

On Group Speak/Group Think and NBC
I usually find the calamity of business decisions fascinating. NBC's decision to hire Ronna McDaniel as an on-air contributor at $300,000 per year will be a case study in management failure.My predictions, NBC will:
- Circle the management wagons to protect the decision makers and the decision
- Release a statement justifying the decision and pointing to some business goal
- Try and console and convince those internal voices that over time this decision will be seen as the correct direction
- Play with what an "on-air contributor's" role is in McDaniel's case, even inventing new roles

Ultimately, NBC will:
- Apologize to the internal staff for this decision
- Find some way to release McDaniel so that she doesn't sue NBC
- Eventually accept the resignation of one or more decision makers

The controversy within NBC and the external condemnation are results that any business analyst outside of the "Group" would have foreseen.

#NBC #Entertainment #BusinessAnalysis #News


Eliav Benjamin, deputy chief of mission at the Israeli embassy in the #US, said Israel was not responsible for the safety of Palestinian civilians in #Gaza, #NBC reported.

He said the Palestinian #Hamas movement "chose this battle" and the safety of civilians in Gaza "depends on the #Hamas leadership".

Perfectly normal from officials of the only democracy in the ME.

Don't expect anyone raising their voice against him and his criminal government.

#Israel #Politics #Inhumanity #Apartheid