It is a few years old, but sadly still accurate!
The Arab leaders, despite their effort to normalize relationship with Iran and Syria, still don't care about Palestine or Israel except their economical, political and military ties with the apartheid regime that helps them with their inferiority complex and global American push for creating an Arab NATO to stand up against Iran with the help of Pentagon and Israel.
How will that idea survive the current talks between Iran and the GCC? What will happen when Syria is once again allowed into the Arab league? What if the roumers of Egypt selling 40 000 missiles to Russia are true?
I am sure time will show us what is going one. The 3D chess game of the political clusterfuck of western Asia just got a couple of new dimensions.
#Politics #Israel #ArabLeague #GCC #Iran #Syria #AbrahamAccord #AlAqsa #PersianGulf