

Several military experts have sent their views on what caused the massacre at Baptist Hospital in Gaza.

  • The yellow section is a point of impact of either the tail of the rocket or large shrapnel

  • the fact that most of the cars in the parking space have damaged roof, suggest that the bomb exploded above the ground and it was probably an anti personel bomb

  • the damage on the vegetations and trees at the hospital also support that theory which means who ever dropped that bomb, was intentionally trying to kill as many people as possible

  • The bombs Israel haa been using against Gaza buildings are mostly guided missiles with 2400kg of explosives to destroy buildings

  • other bombs Israel haa used in the past were white phosphorus that explodes about a 100 meters above the ground and set people and building on fire, this was not such bomb

  • everyone seems to agree that is highly unlikely, close to impossible that a misfired Hamas or PIJ missile had caused this.

Without impartial investigators and lack of forensic sampl of shrapnels of the bombs, it's going to be impossible to identify the type of the bomb and it's origin.

#Gaza #BaptistHospital #Missile #Rocket #Military #Israel #Hamaa


Israel has shared drone footage of the hospital by claiming that the crate created by the missile is not a "typical" crate caused by an Israeli bomb.

The images and videos shared from inside the hospital show a small crate with many cars damaged in the car park, but it still doesn't explain the reason why so many people (471 dead and 1100 injured) by such a small bomb.

I have spent about an hour looking at various images and videos with google earth view of the hospital trying to figure out where the missile was launched and the direction of the crate.

My personal conclusion is that the crate looks like a missile launched from the south east and not from the south west as Israel claimed, it should be easy for someone with better equipment to put the images on top of each other to identify the direction of the missile and possible launch path.

#Israel #Gaza #BaptistHospital #WarCrime #Palestine


Hezbollah announces Wednesday “A day of unprecedented anger” against israel, Biden’s visit to isreal — Statement

“All statements of condemnation and denunciation are no longer enough, and we call on the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation to take immediate action in the streets and squares to express intense anger and put pressure on governments and states wherever they are to take immediate action against the massacres.”

This is not good. It's really really dangerous with #Biden being so strongly pro Israel and willing to bomb #Lebanon and #Syria if #Hezbollah attacks Israel other than clashes on the border.

#PeaceNow #SropTheWar #Palesrtne #Israel #Iran #Gaza #BaptistHospital