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#Rudraksha #beads have different faces and varieties. The Rudraksha bead we mainly use is five mukhi, the most common Rudraksha. It has five natural lines from head to bottom, which symbolize the five forms of Lord Shiva, the symbol of auspiciousness. We made all our Malas according to the specific spiritual numbers of beads: 108 / 72 / 54.


A round one faced Rudraksha bead is very difficult to find. However a one faced Rudraksha in the shape of a cashew nut (also known as a Half Moon Rudraksha ) is generally available. No enemy can cause harm to the person wearing this bead .The person gets all pleasures of life. It is excellent for those who are involved in politics, government service or administration.

One Mukhi rudraksha cures the malefic effects of the Sun and makes the individual charismatic and radiant like the divine Surya himself. It also helps in curing the disease caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the Birth chart such as diseases of the right eye, bones ,mental anxiety, Head ache, ear ailments ,Bowel problems, Bone weakness etc and at the spiritual level such as lack of Confidence, Charisma ,Personal power, leadership qualities and Prosperity. The Sun is pleased with the wearer and any obstacles in his path to lead a rich and powerful life is removed It gives protective powers against heart ailments also.


The representing deity is #Ardhnariswara (The sum total of male and female energies). It leads to the harmonizing of energies between two individuals and thereby making happy and lasting attachments. Excellent bead for improving relationships.

Two mukhi Rudraksha cures the malefic effects of Moon. It helps in stabilizing the mind, making a person purposeful, making a person to complete a task before moving onto the next one. It is also helpful in the diseases of the left eye, fluid system of the body (the body is 75% water and water is represented by the moon-tide effect), renal failure and the intestinal system. This bead cures stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. It is specially useful for individuals who have eye problems and who have an history of hysteria.

The representing deity is #Agni (The Lord of Fire). It bestows the wearer the confidence and the energy to face any situation. It is excellent for introvert individuals or those who suffer from depression, anxiety, psychosis or guilt induced complexes. It gives success in sports. This bead is also excellent for those who have Real Estate as their career.

The malefic effects of Mars are considerably reduced by wearing this bead .Mars represents the blood system and the energy levels in the body. It is widely used in controlling blood pressure ,regulation of the menstrual cycle/menstrual stress and removal of depression. This bead is also beneficial for those having the Manglik Dosha in their charts and also for those individuals who are temperamental.

The representing deity is Lord #Brahma (The creator of the Universe). The ruling planet is Mercury . In mythology this represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma.

It increases the power of original thinking and helps those who are involved in mental pursuits. It helps to remove the malefic effects of Mercury and helps in developing the power of speech.

It is very useful in the treatment of stammering, asthma and directing the mind towards grasping knowledge. Excellent for students, scientists and management executives or professionals in the computer, electronics or communication field. Good for individual with respiratory tract problems.

The most abundant bead among all Rudraksha beads. At least 90% yield of the Rudraksha Tree is of the five faced Rudraksha bead. Rudraksha malas used for chanting mantras are generally made of 5 faced beads.

The representing deity is Lord #Shiva. It helps in curing the malefic effects of Jupiter. It is the bead of Good luck, academic excellence. It has a tranquil effect over the mind and helps one to be calm. It is helpful in regulation of blood pressure and controlling body fats. It creates a protective amour around the body and protects the wearer from adverse situations. Widely used in blood pressure related problems

The representing deity is Lord #Kartikeya also known as Skandha. It blesses the wearer with victory and wisdom. The malefic effects of Venus are controlled by wearing this bead. Diseases of a sexual nature, of sexual organs are cured by this bead.

It helps in having a happy martial life and blesses its wearer with vehicles and pleasures related to sensory organs . The wearer of this bead has the power of Vashikaran (Enchantment) in him/her (Power of attracting other individuals). This bead makes the wearer witty, charming and intelligent. This Bead has been used since time immemorial by actors and individuals who have a lot of public dealing.

The representing deity is Goddess #Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. This Rudraksha Bead has secret and mysterious powers and it ensures that the wearer never faces poverty.

The representing planet is Saturn. This Rudraksha bead helps in overcoming the malefic effects of Saturn and the Sade Sathi period. It blesses its wearer with secret wealth and Vashikaran (control over others). Helps in the cure of Saturn induced diseases such as impotency ,foot related diseases, respiratory disorders. It is also helpful in curing long standing diseases.

This Rudraksha is generally kept in the place of worship and not worn on the body. This bead is also helpful for individuals having the Kalsarpa Yoga in their charts. This bead is also used by tantriks in a lot of secret Tantrik Sadhanas.

The representing deity is Lord #Ganesha. This Rudraksha removes the obstacles from the path of its wearer and ensures professional success.

The malefic effects of Rahu are cured by this bead. It is helpful in diseases of the mysterious kind, harassment by spirits, trauma causing dreams, Skin diseases, Stress and anxiety, diseases of lung , feet , skin , eye catarrh Isis, hydrofoil . Snake bites are also the result of malefic effects of Rahu and this rudraksha is helpful in such cases also. Excellent for individuals having Sarpa Dosha is their charts. Also good for Astrologers and individuals interested in the occult.

The representing deity is #Aadhya #Shakti #Maa - #Durga. It helps in cultivating patience, controlling unnecessary anger and a feeling of fearlessness. This Rudraksha is very dear to Maa Shakti and worn by the Devi Bhaktas.

The malefic effects of Ketu are controlled by this bead. Effects of Ketu are similar to those of Rahu and Saturn and include diseases of lung, fever , eye-pain , bowel pain , skin disease , body pain etc . Also helps in mastering foreign languages, and boosting vocabulary.

The representing deity is Lord #Vishnu (The Preserver). It helps the wearer to overcome difficult times and ensures that the wearer and the family of the wearer is protected. It creates a feeling of security and removes complexes.

There is no ruling planet for this bead. This Rudraksha helps in devotion and mediation as it increases the power to concentrate .

The representing deity is Lord #Hanuman. It protects the wearer from Aakal Mrityu (sudden or accidental death). Helps in concentration and instills a feeling of right actions and courage. A bead with strong protective influences it a good for removing fear. The wearer knows no fear.

This Rudraksha induces courage and confidence in the wearer to leads an adventurous life. Also helpful in meditation and removes problem of Yogic practices .

The representing deity is #Surya (Lord Sun). This Rudraksha helps in creating a powerful aura around the wearer and malefic effects of the Sun are controlled. Those who cannot get a genuine Ek Mukhi Bead should wear a 12 faced bead as this bead is similar to effects to the one faced Rudraksha bead.

It is excellent for those who are involved in politics, government service or administration. It also helps in curing the disease caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the Birth chart such as diseases of the right eye, bones ,mental anxiety and problems with elders specially with one's Father. It gives protective powers against heart ailments.

The representing deity is #Indra (The ruler of the Gods). It bestows charm, worldly comforts and spiritual success equally. Very rare bead, this Rudraksha gives secret wealth and a position of authority to the wearer. The effects are similar to that of 6 mukhi and it is helpful for meditation and spiritual attainments.

It bestows spiritual achievements on its Sadhaka and the wearer becomes equivalent to a King. This rare bead ensures that the individuals emerges victorious in challenging situations and the full potential of destiny is realized.

Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha is a divine gem- Deva Mani. It represents Lord #Shiva. The wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens due to strengthening of Ajna chakra and the possessor is able to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. . Fourteen-faced (14 mukhi) Rudraksha protects against evil spirits and black magic.14 mukhi is the best possible tool to increase the benefic effects & reduce the negative effects of shani / planet Saturn, in one's horoscope.

Fifteen-faced Rudraksha represents Lord #Pashupatinath. This Rudraksha bead helps channelise thoughts and remain focused. It is said that the wearer’s power of intuition and sixth sense awakens and helps him to take right steps in right directions. It is also said that when invoked it helps the wearer in forecasting future events. It increases attentiveness and energy, power and vigor. It is beneficial for economic and monetary progress.


Yoga in its earliest form back to 3100 BC, if not earlier. And Mohenjo-Daro as well, obviously.

Yoga meditation can thus be safely dated to have its origins as early as 5000 years ago, if not earlier. And to have originally been associated with a peaceful, mother goddess type of understanding.

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Indian #carnelian #beads with white design, etched in white with an alkali through a heat process, imported to Susa in 2600–1700 BC. Found in the tell of the Susa acropolis. Louvre Museum, reference Sb 17751. These beads are identical with beads found in the #Indus Civilization site of Dholavira [ #Gujarat].

The next significant way that the #Veda is not like the #Bible is because it does not really use a chain of descent from #Adam.

In fact prior to its founders it says humanity went back "for ages and ages".

Its origin, #Ayodhya, is not modern Ayodhya, it may not be an actual place, may be a symbol, such as, evidently from Atharva Veda, a yogic symbol of the #human #body. Grammatically, ayodhya is an adjective, similar to #Invincible.

aṣṭācakrā navadvārā devānāṃ pūrayodhyā
tasyāṃ hiraṇyayaḥkośaḥ svargo jyotiṣāvṛtaḥ

Eight-wheeled, nine-doored, is the impregnable stronghold of the gods;
in that is a golden vessel, heaven-going (swarga), covered with #light

—Atharvaveda 10.2.31 —Translation by William Dwight Whitney



#om namah shivaya
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The #Mystical #Power of Nepalese #Rudraksha #Beads

One of the most renowned and mysterious gemstones, Rudraksha beads, are found in Nepal, a country rich in #ancient customs and spiritual practises. Hindus place great religious significance on these heavenly beads made from Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree seeds, which have been treasured for ages by #spiritual seekers and believers. We explore the history, meaning, and spiritual benefits of Nepalese Rudraksha beads in this essay.

Origin and Authenticity:
In the foothills of the #Himalayas, where the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree flourishes in the pristine natural environment, Nepalese Rudraksha beads are predominantly sourced for their origin and authenticity. Due to their genuineness and true spiritual vibrations, these beads, known for their outstanding quality, are much sought after. The power and purity of the Rudraksha beads found in this area are a result of the hallowed soil, unpolluted air, and peaceful energy of #Nepal.

Symbolism and Spiritual Significance:
Hindu mythology has a strong connection to rudraksha beads, which are thought to be a gift from Lord #Shiva. The words " #Rudra" and "Aksha," which both signify tears in #Sanskrit, are combined to form the word "Rudraksha." Rudra is another name for Lord Shiva. These beads are revered as precious objects and are linked to wellbeing, spiritual development, and heavenly protection. Rudraksha beads are said to promote harmony, calm, and inner transformation when worn or used during meditation.

Types and Mukhi (Facets):
A distinctive feature of Nepalese Rudraksha beads is the quantity of Mukhi, or facets. Each Mukhi represents a distinct deity and has unique characteristics and advantages. The rarest and most potent bead is a single Mukhi, but greater Mukhi counts, like five, six, or even 21 Mukhi, are also possible. Each Mukhi is thought to provide a unique blessing and align with particular chakras, promoting spiritual development and overall wellbeing.

Healing and Therapeutic Properties:
In addition to being valued for their spiritual importance, rudraksha beads are thought to have healing qualities. According to legend, the beads give off uplifting vibrations that are claimed to balance the wearer's energy, soothe the mind, and reduce tension. They are known to increase focus, sharpen memory, and advance general physical and mental health. Additionally, many practitioners employ Rudraksha beads in Ayurvedic treatments and complementary medical procedures.

Care and Maintenance:
The right maintenance is necessary to keep Nepalese Rudraksha beads pure and effective. It is important to gently wipe the beads with a soft cloth to maintain them clean and free of dirt or contaminants. When not in use, the beads should be kept in a tidy, sacred location. The Rudraksha beads are thought to have additional spiritual and healing benefits when worn when regularly chanting or meditating.

Rudraksha beads from Nepal represent #divine #protection, spirituality, and all-around wellbeing. People looking for spiritual growth and connection highly value them because of their rich history, mystical significance, and healing effects. Nepalese Rudraksha beads continue to captivate the hearts of believers and serve as a potent reminder of the fundamental connections between spirituality, nature, and the human soul, whether worn as a spiritual adornment or used for their healing abilities.



it's already more than one year that Andrea helped me to create a new #lizardite #bracelet, using #beads in shape of spheres in between the 6-sided cylinders... #ya started a collection of most diverse bracelets 2 years ago... :D