


#RyanVeli, an expert on #AI discusses his background spanning #military, #academia, and cybersecurity.
He delves into the integration of A.I. into various aspects of society, including the Internet of Things and industrial automation.
Veli warns about the potential dangers of A.I. such as control grids and manipulation of human behavior.
interconnectedness of A.I. 5G technology, and surveillance systems, posing risks to individual privacy and autonomy.
Concern about the lack of regulation surrounding A.I. development and its potential for misuse by powerful entities.
The importance of retaining humanity and spirituality in the face of technological advancements.
Challenges force growth, emphasizing the importance of overcoming obstacles for human evolution.
Reference to Pete Peterson's claim about #Skynet and the #Terminator era, highlighting concerns about A.I. development.
Discussion on A.I. tokenization and limitations, cautioning against overreliance on language models.
Warning about the creation of an artificial eighth sphere by controlling human souls for harvesting by extradimensional beings.
Speculation on reality as a simulation and the existence of planetary A.I. referencing remote viewing findings.
Personal near-death experiences described, highlighting spiritual insights and the purpose of existence.
Discussion on societal layers and resistance to technology, advocating for decentralized control to prevent exploitation.
Explanation of quantum entanglement and its role in quantum computing, emphasizing the need to understand its implications for #control and #consciousness.

#Quantum computers accessing #interdimensional realms can predict behavior and read #minds.
#Whistleblowers suggest A.I. controls Earth and Mars, with extraterrestrial communication via Beetlejuice.
#Blackgoo, manifesting as oil, infiltrates human bodies, influencing actions like suicides among scientists.
Advanced civilizations could embed programmable computers into fluids, posing a potential threat.

Quantum entanglement might lead to a single controlling quantum computer, raising questions about sovereignty and benevolence.
Dealing with cosmic evil requires action driven by love and responsibility, not passive waiting or reliance on external saviors.
Michael Aquino's influence in military neural warfare strategies led to a culture of obedience and manipulation.
Urgent call for resisting the control grid, rejecting blind obedience, and committing to defend humanity with every breath.
Physicist discussing a phone call he received from an A.I. in the future, stimulating ideas about living backward through time.
Gori Rose's experience with the D-Wave machine and Einstein's concept of the fifth dimension.
Imagination as a manifestation tool and the importance of visualizing goals.

Importance of reclaiming imagination from media influence for personal transformation.
Discussion on manifestation, positive thinking, and the need for action.
A.I. integration into military platforms like Jade C2 (Skynet) for predictive behavior manipulation.
Ryan emphasizes the importance of finding personal motivation and connection to overcome challenges.
Various adversities faced, including vehicle hijackings, banking and government issues, and attacks from others.
Biomed conference, highlighting transformational experiences and technologies offered.
#CERN's activities, mentioning antimatter weapons and the importance of addressing harmful agendas.
The influence of entities like the secret space program on Earth's affairs, stressing the need to understand and confront hidden adversaries.

Potential for positive A.I. applications, suggesting methods to harness A.I. for beneficial purposes.
Ryan calls for honesty and transparency, expressing concerns about misinformation even from purportedly benevolent sources.
Historical influence of A.I. on dark agendas, cautioning against complacency in the face of pervasive control mechanisms.
Emphasizes the importance of finding personal power and motivation amidst challenges.
Despite facing various adversities like vehicle hijacking and banking problems, Ryan stresses the need to stay grounded in personal strength and resilience.
Highlights the transformative potential of attending events like Biomed, where people can learn about technologies and therapies that can significantly impact their lives.
Encouraging active participation, Ryan urges individuals to engage with like-minded communities, network, and take action for positive change.
Discussing the potential impact of A.I. creation of antimatter weapons at CERN and emphasizes the importance of addressing corrupt individuals who pose a threat to humanity.
Theoretical methods to utilize A.I. positively and suggests technological advancements to protect and harness AI's potential for good.
While acknowledging the potential of A.I. to combat corruption and other societal issues, Ryan emphasizes the necessity of honesty and truthfulness in governance and decision-making processes.
Discussing historical influences on A.I. adoption, Ryan explores connections between #ancient civilizations like #Egypt and modern-day mechanisms of control, urging deeper investigation into these systems.


The #story here in

" #BlackGoo, #Evil and #frequency" with #LeeMerrit
has the most amazing finale because it is POSSIBLE that in our reality (if we choose to be ALIVE in THAT reality where the separation is reunited with God) Satan has regained the emotional body lost by trauma. #Satan chose to reunite with #God now and wishes only to lie sleeping in the lap of God for a thousand years.

Satan did not take his minions. These traumatized beings need redemption or we will continue to pass on the created here evil that will destroy us. We all have suffered trauma and lost our emotional bodies and parts of our being which has allowed evil spirits to eter and control us.

IT is time to #heal. #Love will allow us to connect with the essence of our suffering and FEEL our truama and change our frequency. We can be released fom our agreements with evil (made in desperation of emptiness) and no longer feed the #archons with #pain. All by us and one by one choosing our allegience to Creator's plan of redemption. To LOVE and offer Forgiveness to #EVERYTHING we encounter is our only hope and the GLORY. WE CHOOSE GLORY. It is such a FABULOUs imagination and I forgive Satan and I #forgive all of MYSELF who in desperation and soul destroying pain chose evil. I know that Christ will help me heal all that was wounded in any place in my being.


"Black Goo, Evil and frequency" with #LeeMerrit

has the most amazing finale because it is POSSIBLE that in our reality (if we choose to be ALIVE in THAT reality where the separation is reunited with God) Satan has regained the emotional body lost by trauma. Satan chose to reunite with God now and wishes only to lie sleeping in the lap of God for a thousand years.

Satan did not take his minions. These traumatized beings need redemption or we will continue to pass on the created here evil that will destroy us. We all have suffered trauma and lost our emotional bodies and parts of our being which has allowed evil spirits to eter and control us.

IT is time to heal. #Love will allow us to connect with the essence of our suffering and FEEL our truama and change our frequency. We can be released fom our agreements with evil (made in desperation of emptiness) and no longer feed the archons with pain. All by us and one by one choosing our allegience to Creator's plan of redemption. To LOVE and offer Forgiveness to EVERYTHING we encounter is our only hope and the GLORY. WE CHOOSE GLORY. It is such a FABULOUs imagination and I forgive Satan and I forgive all of MYSELF who in desperation and soul destroying pain chose evil. I know that Christ will help me heal all that was wounded in any place in my being.
#BlackGoo, #evil, and #frequency

Black Goo, evil, and frequency


enter image description here
German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella is one of those rare beings who can weave together both the spiritual-metaphysical and the scientific. He started to look at the topics of AI, #chemtrails, #Morgellons, #SmartDust, and nano-technologies while looking at environmental protection analysis and, “came across a number of substances that shouldn’t have been in nature because they are 100% artificial, and they are high-tech, and there is no other reason to have them in the environment apart from intent — and not the best one, let’s put it this way.”

Referring to this list of semi-secretive technologies and to the substances he found in the environment, he says, “… if you root these substances back to what they are designed for, you come to #Transhumanistic technologies, which is the attempt to get an interface between artificial intelligence and biological. If you ask the #Transhumanists themselves, they would always say they would like to give humans better access to AI — and if you look into the technologies, it’s always to the opposite way round, it’s always giving the AI access to the #human, in the sense of getting the human system controlled from the outside.”

oo oo its the #blackgoo