

anyone need to #stop #cancer ?

100% Cancer Remission Achieved in ALL Patients of Groundbreaking Study

Dr. Andrea Cercek, one of the lead researchers, said:

“It’s absolutely incredible ... We’ve certainly never seen this before.”

All 12 patients experienced complete rectal cancer remission after receiving #dostarlimab, a #monoclonal #antibody.

This particular monoclonal antibody achieved 100% cancer remission without chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or the toxic side effects that come with such therapies.

The authors wrote:

“All 12 patients (100%; 95% confidence interval) had a clinical complete response, with no evidence of tumor on magnetic resonance imaging ... and no cases of progression or recurrence had been reported during follow-up (range, 6 to 25 months after treatment). No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported.”

How does this monoclonal antibody actually work?

Dr. Andrea Cercek explained that it essentially unlocks the #body’s ability to #heal #itself.


The #story here in

" #BlackGoo, #Evil and #frequency" with #LeeMerrit
has the most amazing finale because it is POSSIBLE that in our reality (if we choose to be ALIVE in THAT reality where the separation is reunited with God) Satan has regained the emotional body lost by trauma. #Satan chose to reunite with #God now and wishes only to lie sleeping in the lap of God for a thousand years.

Satan did not take his minions. These traumatized beings need redemption or we will continue to pass on the created here evil that will destroy us. We all have suffered trauma and lost our emotional bodies and parts of our being which has allowed evil spirits to eter and control us.

IT is time to #heal. #Love will allow us to connect with the essence of our suffering and FEEL our truama and change our frequency. We can be released fom our agreements with evil (made in desperation of emptiness) and no longer feed the #archons with #pain. All by us and one by one choosing our allegience to Creator's plan of redemption. To LOVE and offer Forgiveness to #EVERYTHING we encounter is our only hope and the GLORY. WE CHOOSE GLORY. It is such a FABULOUs imagination and I forgive Satan and I #forgive all of MYSELF who in desperation and soul destroying pain chose evil. I know that Christ will help me heal all that was wounded in any place in my being.


Dr Vernon Coleman was the first writer to:

1) Warn about the dangers of benzodiazepine tranquillisers
2) Warn that passive smoking causes cancer
3) Warn that mobile phones (and masts) may cause cancer
4) Warn that tap water contains harmful drug residues
5) Point out that genetic engineering (in all its forms) can be a threat to human health
6) Claim that high blood pressure can be controlled without drugs
7) Warn about the risk of mad cow disease
8) Warn that deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious threat to air travellers
9) Warn of the return of tuberculosis
10) Explain why medical screening programmes are of more benefit to doctors than to patients
11) Warn that the threat of AIDS was wildly exaggerated for commercial reasons
12) Warn that the overuse of antibiotics was creating drug resistant infections
13) Warn that doctors were over-diagnosing asthma
14) Draw attention to the value of generic drugs (as opposed to branded drugs)
15) Warn that ADHD was being over-diagnosed and treated with dangerous drugs
16) Point out that the incidence of diabetes is rising out of control
17) Warn that prostate screening does more harm than good
18) Warn that breast screening is of doubtful value
19) Warn of the dangers of over exercising
20) Warn of the damage that jogging can do to the spine and joints
21) Warn that vaccines are neither as safe nor as effective as the establishment claims
22) Explain that stress causes or exacerbates 90% of all illnesses
23) Explain the facts about irritable bowel syndrome
24) Explain why removing breasts from healthy women is unnecessary
25) Warn that chemotherapy often does more harm than good
26) Draw attention to the self-healing powers of the human body
27) Warn that the drug tamoxifen (used to prevent cancer) can cause cancer
28) Warn of the dangers of hormone replacement therapy
29) Expose the link between a high fat diet and breast cancer
30) Warn that depression was being over-diagnosed and over treated
31) Point out the importance of the immune system in defending against cancer
32) Provide evidence showing that meat causes more cancer than tobacco
33) Explain how antiperspirants may be a health hazard
34) Warn of the danger of using microwave ovens
35) Draw attention to the danger of radiotherapy
36) Warn that doctors are now as big a cause of death as cancer or heart disease

37) Draw attention to the ability of the #mind to #heal the #body

38) Explain how and why air conditioning systems can be dangerous
39) Warn of the hazard of superbugs
40) Warn that tests and investigations are often unnecessary and dangerous
41) Point out that one in six hospital patients is there because he or she has been made ill by doctors
42) Explain why women will not live longer than men in the 21st century
43) Warn of the dangers of paraquat (and associated products such as Roundup)
44) Point out that increased longevity is a myth and a result of reduced infant mortality
45) Why and how too many X-rays are done – and cause cancer
46) Draw attention to the value of TENS machines in the treatment of pain
47) Warn of the increase in the size of our ageing population
48) Warn that obesity leads to an increased cancer risk
49) Explain how experiments on animals mislead researchers
50) Explain that many patients with dementia can be cured (because they have NPH and not Alzheimer’s disease)

And there have been many, many more accurate predictions and forecasts made between 1970 and today.

#VC #VernonColeman has for many years promoted the use of computers in medicine. In 1983, he co-wrote the world's first computer software on #health for #public use. The software was the Home Doctor series for Sinclair and Commodore computers.


#Ra #Ma #Da #Sa #healing #mantra #music to #heal the whole world of matter

no worries ,no fears just heart felt joy and gratitude to all of you`s

#om namah shivaya
#Aum Mani Padme Hum
What is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung? - Definition from Yogapedia
20 May 2020 ... Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hang is translated to mean " #Sun, #Moon, #Earth, #Infinity: #All that is in infinity, I am Thee." This is a relatively modern ...


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"Reverend Winn Henderson MD interviews #Dr. Robert O. #Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner on the Jibby Jabb, Liquid Lucifer, Wireless Radiation and #Chemical #Poisoning.

To learn more read Dr. Young's latest article at the following link: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-viral-theory-is-scientism-radiation-the-vaxxx-causes-dis-ease-injury-and-sudden-death "

#Protect and #heal #yourself from all sources of transfection ~ Dr. Robert Young and Winn Henderson

#reveal the #horrors of the #death cults #vaccinescam