

Operation Endgame

International law enforcement and partners have joined forces. We have been investigating you and your criminal undertakings for a long time and we will not stop here.

This is Season 1 of operation Endgame. Stay tuned. It sure will be exciting. Maybe not for everyone though. Some results can be found here, others will come to you in different and unexpected ways.

#security #botnet #movie



#Justice Department Conducts Court-Authorized Disruption of #Botnet Controlled by the Russian Federation’s Main #Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU)

source: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-conducts-court-authorized-disruption-botnet-controlled-russian

“Operation #DyingEmber was an international effort led by #FBI #Boston to remediate over a thousand compromised routers belonging to unsuspecting victims here in the United States, and around the world that were targeted by malicious, nation state actors in #Russia to facilitate their strategic intelligence collection,” said Special Agent in Charge Jodi Cohen of the FBI Boston Field Office. “The FBI’s strong partnerships with the private sector were critical to identifying and addressing this threat which targeted our national security interests here and abroad. This #operation should make it crystal clear to our adversaries that we will not allow anyone to exploit our #technology and networks.”

#router #news #internet #malware #security #cybercrime #usa


You don't say! How is it even possible, with all that fine security IoT devices enjoy?
#IoT #botnet #energy #market

Hackers Could Use IoT Botnets to Manipulate Energy Markets | WIRED

At the Black Hat security conference on Wednesday, the researchers will present their findings, which suggest that high-wattage IoT botnets—made up of power-guzzling devices like air conditioners, car chargers, and smart thermostats—could be deployed strategically to increase demand at certain times in any of the nine private energy markets around the US. A savvy attacker, they say, would be able to stealthily force price fluctuations in the service of profit, chaos, or both.

The researchers used real, publicly available data from the New York and California markets between May 2018 and May 2019 to study fluctuations in both the "day-ahead market" that forecasts demand and the "real-time market," in which buyers and sellers correct for forecasting errors and unpredictable events like natural disasters. By modeling how much power various hypothetical high-wattage IoT botnets could draw, and crunching the market data, the researchers devised two types of potential attacks that would alter energy pricing. They also figured out how far hackers would be able to push their attacks without the malicious activity raising red flags.
