

At 6:30 AM on Monday, August 8th, the #FBI showed up with a search warrant at #Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s #Florida estate. They were looking for any classified documents or other records that the former president might have illegally taken with him when he left office. The internet promptly went crazy. Trump supporters flooded #right-wing channels with claims that politically motivated “weaponization of the law” was turning the US into a “banana republic” – never mind their longstanding demands to prosecute Hillary #Clinton over her private email server, a much less serious violation. On the left, Democrats cheered what they are billing as Merrick Garland‘s fearless pursuit of #justice, wherever the chase may lead.
On one level, the #Democrats have a point. As president, #Trump had access to the absolute highest levels of classified information, and if something like, say, plans for the next generation of spy satellites were gathering dust in the back of the Mar-a-Lago loading dock in an unlabeled cardboard box, that would be the most severe violation of classified protocols in US #history, by an ex-president no less. In anything like normal circumstances that would be a huge deal in its own right. But circumstances are not normal and this is Trump we’re talking about. It behooves us to dig a little deeper.

https://itsgoingdown.org/trump-raid-notes/ #usa #capitolriot #alexjones #biden #republicans #desantis


Please urge Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate and prosecute Trump’s alleged crimes, ranging from tax fraud to inciting a deadly insurrection
#RecklessPolitics #AttorneyGeneral #MerrickGarland #Trump #Investigate #Prosecute #Crimes #TaxFraud #Insurrection #CapitolRiot #Avaaz #Petition

"Dear friends across the U.S.,

“We have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language. We have seen his lack of commitment and dedication to the Constitution.”

These were the powerful words with which Congresswoman Liz Cheney condemned former President Trump -- mere moments after Republicans had removed her from her leadership post in retaliation for her bravery.

Trump is no longer President, but his dangerous stranglehold on the Republican Party remains... especially because he’s never faced the consequences of his actions. But now, wide support could convince Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate and prosecute Trump and his associates’ alleged crimes, ranging from tax fraud to inciting a deadly insurrection!

So let’s make this call for an investigation massive -- and once 100,000 back it, Avaaz will deliver our voices straight to AG Merrick Garland.

Trump and his associates made a mockery of the Presidential office. The revelations have been chilling: from the President himself inciting an insurrection in a cowardly quest to overturn a free and fair election, to flagrant abuses of power, and reports of a shady tax history. And in his final days in office, he even embarked on an unprecedented pardoning spree favoring his friends and own interests.

The State of New York has already launched investigations into Trump’s misconduct. While that’s a good start, a thorough federal investigation would show that the rule of law is alive and well in the U.S.!

Together, we can send a deafening call to AG Merrick Garland to establish an independent task force within the Department of Justice to investigate Trump and his associates!

As we close out a four year period of divisive instability fueled from the top down, we can only start to heal through unity and accountability. Better times are ahead -- but only if we all work together to preserve American democracy in the name of democracy everywhere.

With fierce determination,

Ruth, Meetali, Nick, Christine, and the whole Avaaz team"

Please sign the petition


People are dying from disinformation. Isn't it time to put a stop to it?
#Politics #Disinformation #Biden #CapitolRiot #COVID-19 #ClimateCrisis #Avaaz #Petition

"Dear friends,

I’ve fallen for ‘fake news’ a time or two. Probably most of us have. But tens of millions of Americans have fallen hard, lured by lies into believing debunked conspiracy theories about COVID-19, climate change, and even the integrity of our elections.

Our friends, family, and fellow citizens are dying from disinformation -- even killing because of it. They’re refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, rejecting climate science, and storming our Capitol because they believe the lies and half-truths flooding their feeds.

Social media companies won’t help unless they’re forced to, because dangerous conspiracies and lies are part of their billion-dollar bottom line. President Biden could rein them in, and he’s deciding right now whether to make disinformation a priority for his next 100 days.

Let’s make him hear our voices! Join us now and together we’ll land our call for strong tech regulation directly on Biden’s doorstep. If we get enough signers, we’ll print a custom newspaper headlined with our call and hand-deliver it to the White House.

It can seem like an impossible task to stop the constant stream of lies and hate from dragging down our friends and fellow citizens. But to protect their people, governments have brought every major new industry in modern history under regulation -- even when it seemed impossible. Tobacco. Telephones. Television. Railroads. Radio. Automobiles. Airlines. For the sake of our people, our democracies, and our planet, the time has come again. President Biden can, and must, govern the tech giants.

Critics will say that free speech means you can’t force social media companies to deal with disinformation. But Avaaz has developed a suite of smart solutions that have been echoed by experts and endorsed by some of the world’s foremost defenders of free expression. And lawmakers on Capitol Hill are excited about them. But Congress is less likely to move without a clear signal from the White House.

The European Union is gearing up to adopt groundbreaking tech regulation. Let’s not let the U.S. fall behind! Join our call to President Biden to bring the tech regulation into the 21st century!

Avaaz has guarded democracies from disinformation all over the world. We’ve protected elections in Brazil, the EU, and the U.S., taking down networks and content that reached billions of views. We’ve documented hate speech and extremism in India, shown how Facebook helped make the January 6th insurrection possible, and blown the whistle on the platforms’ inability to contain disinformation about COVID-19. We’ve pushed reluctant social media platforms to adopt partial measures, but only regulation will get us the rest of the way. Let’s win this together!

With hope and determination,

Nate, Meetali, Rebecca, Kevin, Kaitlin, Marta and the rest of the Avaaz Anti-Disinfo Team"

Tell President Biden: Stop deadly liars NOW!