

And we have the audacity in the US to challenge for electoral fraud, not the [expletive] that we fund, but the people that have gone over and above everything in order to try to guarantee the honesty and fairness and freedom of their elections. It's the turning of the world on its head the people that actually participate in electoral fraud are not the Chavistas it is the opposition.

--- Carlos Garrido, source

#Venezuela #elections #CarlosGarrido


Capitalism needed the concept of race in order to use it to divide the European so-called white indentured servants from the African so-called black slaves of the US. It is on the basis of needing the division of these groups that had begun to coalesce together and come together to fight the property owners that the concept of racism is created.

--- Carlos Garrido, https://www.youtube.com/live/jIpozK9qU_k?si=Blfuv7Ejvoj8g4qx&t=9867

#CarlosGarrido #capitalism #racism #slavery #IndenturedServitude