

GitHub have restored the youtube-dl repository


Colour me pleasantly surprised.

I've followed this story since it broke. My own (lay) analysis of the RIAA's claims hit HN a few weeks ago:

https://joindiaspora.com/posts/808cf690f8e801381778002590d8e506 (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24888234)

The EFF's letter makes strongly similar arguments, admittedly with better legal citations buttressing.

I'd hinted in that post, and commented at HN, as to steps Microsoft could take to establish its credibility before the Free Software community:




  1. Microsoft is a member of the RIAA. It could and should resign.
  2. Microsoft can lobby for further exceptions to §1201 anti-circumvention.
  3. Microsoft can issue a statement formally protesting RIAA's action.
  4. Microsoft could offer an Amicus brief or other statements in favour of youtube-dl developers.

As an old-school Linux user and advocate, I'm used to considering Microsoft the opposition, and my praise is grudging, but given where due. By my reckoning, Microsoft are at least 3 for 4 in meeting my suggestions.

Of the fourth, I suspect its upcoming RIAA renewal discussion will be interesting.

Google, on the other hand, have been conspicuously silent. Chris DiBona, are you listening?

#github #youtubedl #riaa #dmca #copyright #eff #microsoft #google #ChrisDiBona