

The New York Times: "The delivery of #ATACMS to #Ukraine was covert because Ukrainian forces wanted to surprise the Russians."

Two Western officials told the paper that the #US had supplied #Kiev with about 20 rockets in cluster munition versions, each carrying 950 small bombs.

Now, with the advent of ATACMS, #Germany is expected to be forced to hand over its #Taurus - Scholz refused to send the German long-range missiles ahead of the Americans.

#UkraineWar #ClusterBombs #Russia


A video shared on social media shows Ukrainian 44th Artillery Brigade bombs a Russian convoy with cluster munitions in Verbove.

Remember last year when white house spoke person called use of cluster bombs for war crimes after the Ukrainian missile misfired and killed many civilians while the media blamed it on #Russia?

I guess war crime is no longer an issue when western military supply them to Ulrainians.

#Ukraine #ClusterBombs #Russia #WarCrime #UkraineWar #Politics #Hypocrisy


#Ukraine reported that they have already received #US cluster munitions, although they deny having used them yet.

"We just received them, we haven't used them yet, but they can radically change (the battlefield)," a Ukrainian commander said. "The enemy also understands that by getting this ammunition, we will have an advantage. The enemy will give up that part of the terrain where it is possible to use this," he added.
#ClusterBombs #Russia #UkraineWar


Sembla que la comunicació amb la ministra de Treball #yolandadiaz s'està posant difícil.. Han deshabilitat la Clau PIN que estava usant per a comunicar-me amb ella.. Seguiré fent-ho per correu postal. Cal avisar-la que la Guerra d'#Ukraïna no té ara CAP sentit. Després de la revolta de Wagner en #Rússia els únics beneficiats són els de la Indústria #Armamentista per a col·locar les #clusterbombs a #Ukraïna i fixar-nos en una guerra sense cap sentit. Cal fer-ho com LULA DA SILVA

#NOALAGUERRA #CaraACaraAtresmedia #23dejuliol #YolandaDíez


Sembla que la comunicació amb la ministra de Treball #yolandadiaz s'està posant difícil.. Han deshabilitat la Clau PIN que estava usant per a comunicar-me amb ella.. Seguiré fent-ho per correu postal. Cal avisar-la que la Guerra d'#Ukraïna no té ara CAP sentit. Després de la revolta de Wagner en #Rússia els únics beneficiats són els de la Indústria #Armamentista per a col·locar les #clusterbombs a #Ukraïna i fixar-nos en una guerra sense cap sentit. Cal fer-ho com LULA DA SILVA



Sobre la munició de dispersió enviada pels Estats Units a Ucraïna.

Segons el que s'ha observat en fonts obertes, es tracta de projectils d'artilleria de 155 mm del tipus DPICM (Improved Dual Purpose Ammunition). Aquests projectils porten fins a 88 submunicions de doble propòsit M46 i M42 a l'interior, que són efectives contra el personal i també contra l'armadura a causa de la seva càrrega i fragmentació en forma.

Les taxes de fracàs per activar aquestes submunicions són teòricament inferiors al 2,35% per a les municions més modernes. En alguns mitjans es diu que estan equipats amb mecanismes d'autodestrucció, la qual cosa és incorrecte, probablement perquè es confon amb la submunició M80/M85, que comparteix la mateixa espoleta i altres característiques de disseny.

Pel que fa a la prohibició d'ús, cal destacar que els tractats que en parlen no han estat signats per Ucraïna, els Estats Units o Rússia. Per tant, és fals dir que el seu ús està prohibit pel dret internacional.

▫️ via @ENTRE_GUERRAS ▫️en Telegram



Another NATO bootlicker who blocked me because I said it's a bad idea to send cluster bombs to Ukraine.

The level of self self censorship among these "intellectuals" is truly nauseating.

I have not seen such level of stupidity since the invasion of Iraq.

This is why I want a home isolated from the world and away from all these idiots.

#Ukraine #ClusterBombs #NATO #Russia


Several reports state that this Thursday, the United States will announce the shipment of cluster munitions to Ukraine.

Cluster bombs are one of the most disgusting weapons of war that leave unexploded bombs in areas of conflict that take a toll on civilian population years and even decades after the conflict ends

The production and saleeof cluster bombs has been a target of antiwar groups around the world and there are only few countries (US, Israel, Russia and China among them) who still produce and use such horrible weapons.

US sale of such munitions to Ukraine will have a long and lasting impact on the lives of people living in those areas and their sale and use should be banned and condemned.

#Ikraine #US #ClusterBombs #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #Russia #UkraineWar


Vox and Amnesty International uncover the use if cluster bombs in Ukraine

#Vox #AmnestyInternational #ClusterBombs #Ukraine #Russia #WarCrimes

This video shows that we need real accountability. Not just for Russia, but for the US, China and other countries who still use and stockpile these indiscriminate weapons.

Speaking of indiscriminate weapons, we need to ban the ultimate indiscriminate weapon; nuclear bombs.

https://youtu.be/OTk4Q4Nm5CA #Vox


#ClusterBombs #ClusterMunitionsBan #Russia #UnitedStates #media
