

#Ukraine: „Wir haben eine Million Männer, die sich irgendwo verstecken”

... , der amerikanische Außenminister #Blinken, der die ukrainische Regierung unter Druck setzt, endlich genügend Männer an die Front zu bringen bzw. zu zwingen, um den Krieg gegen #Russland fortzusetzen. Die Devise ist nach der bekannten menschenverachtenden Arbeitsteilung: Der Westen liefert das #Geld und die #Waffen, die Ukraine die #Menschen.

#Ukraine: “We have a million men hiding somewhere”
translated with

... , the American Secretary of State #Blinken, who is putting pressure on the Ukrainian government to finally bring or force enough men to the front to continue the war against #Russia. The motto is according to the well-known inhuman division of labor: The West supplies the #money and the #weapons, Ukraine the #people.


Willkommen in der SmartHome-Hölle

Ich habe heute vermutlich 10 mal die Deckenbeleuchtung im frisch renovierten #Arbeitszimmer eingeschaltet. Die teuren LEDs von #Paulmann sind in zwei Reihen geschaltet für rechten und linken Teil des Raumes.

Heute hat sich die rechte Reihe nach dem 10. Einschalten entschieden, ein paar mal per #Blinken eine Re-Initialisierung anzuzeigen und danach konsequent die eingestellte #Lichtfarbe von #kaltweiß auf #warmweiß zu ändern. Also zurück auf Default. Nur rechts.

Ist bestimmt die eingebaute Erinnerung, dass ich noch Szenen in #HomeAssistant anlegen soll, um die jetzt nicht wieder alle einzeln nachjustieren zu müssen.

Danke, Paulmann.

#Smarthome #LED #SmartHomeHölle #Zigbee

Deckenstrahler als Matrix mit unterschiedlichen Lichtfarben


How Political #Corruption Allows Antony Blinken To Break The Law

This case should be sufficient for Congress to open an inquiry and to demand under oath witness statements from #Blinken and others involved in the affair. It could be a great instrument during the current election campaign to damage the position of Democratic candidates.

However that is unlikely to happen.

Unfortunately Blinken lied to #Congress about Israeli war crimes because he knew that he would get away with it.

The uni-state, the foreign policy conglomerate which resides in both parties and the bureaucracy, will not allow that U.S. war-crimes or those of its associated forces will ever be prosecuted. The Bush administration did get away with lying about weapons of mass destruction. The CIA and the Pentagon got away with torturing hundreds of innocent people.

quotes from


She was there to prevent militant settlers attacking and burning Palestinian homes and agriculture. She was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers protecting the settlers

Turkish American peace activist was murdered in cold blood by IDF with a shot on the head.

Do not expect Biden, Blinken or WH press secretary calling her an American hero and her murderers for barbarians and calling for sanctions of IDF for their criminal actions in occupied West Bank.

Not all Americans are treated equally. She didn't go there to kill Palestinian children. So her death will not be called "heroic" and the murderers to be held accountable.

#WestBank #Terrorism #IDF #Hypocrisy #Turkey #Murder #Biden #Blinken #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


She was there to prevent militant settlers attacking and burning Palestinian homes and agriculture. She was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers protecting the militant settlers

Turkish American peace activist was murdered in cold blood by IDF with a shot on the head.

Do not expect Biden, Blinken or WH press secretary calling her an American hero and her murderers for barbarians and calling for sanctions of IDF for their criminal actions in occupied West Bank.

Not all Americans are treated equally.

She didn't go there to kill Palestinian children. So her death will not be called "heroic" and the murderers to be held accountable.

#WestBank #Terrorism #IDF #Hypocrisy #Turkey #Murder #Biden #Blinken #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine group @israel group


this is the "American" hero Blinken used as an excuse to condemn Hamas with.

This pig volunteered for IDF, stayed long after his "mandatory" service was over, joyfully shared images of himself by the apartheid wall, but when Israel killed him instead of accepting the ceasefire to exchange Palestinian hostages against them, he suddenly became American and a hero.

Don't remember the MFer say anything positive about Shireen when she was murdered by Israeli snipers. And the media keep calling her Palestinian instead of American.


#gaza #Blinken #IDF #Hypocrisy #JusticeForShireen #Genocide


#CODEPINK: #Blinken visited Israel for the 10th time since October to declare a new ceasefire proposal which does not call for a ceasefire at all.

Israel has rejected every single ceasefire proposal since October.

We need a permanent ceasefire now, an arms embargo on Israel and an end to the occupation!

#Hypocrisy #Netanyahu #GenocideJoe #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren #USpolitics #USelection
#Palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Israel akzeptiert laut Blinken Kompromissvorschlag zu Gaza

Nahost-Verhandlungen - Israel akzeptiert laut Blinken Kompromissvorschlag zu Gaza

Israel hat nach Angaben von US-Außenminister Antony Blinken den jüngsten Kompromissvorschlag über eine Waffenruhe in Gaza angenommen.#Netanyahu #Blinken #Gaza #Nahost
Israel akzeptiert laut Blinken Kompromissvorschlag zu Gaza


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken complains that "Hamas could have answered [to #Biden's proposal] with a single word; Yes", but it proposed changes.

Disgusting sack of shit genocide enabler never says anything about #Netanyahu or his fascist co-criminals, but feeling hurt because Has doesn't like the BS ceasefire deal they didn't even have the balls to vote for.
Video shared on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2573

#Hypocrisy #Hamas #Blinken #Gaza #Israel #Genocide


The #NYT says that " #Biden is closing in on what could prove to be one of his most consequential decisions in the #Ukraine war: whether to reverse his ban on firing U.S. weapons into Russian territory."

The White House has begun a formal and apparently rapid reassessment of whether it should take such a risk, this outlet says.

#Blinken in fact said Washington can "adapt and adjust" its stance on attacking inside #Russia with American #weapons, based on changing battlefield conditions.

"We are always making determinations about what is necessary to ensure that Ukraine can continue to defend itself effectively," Blinken said.

#UkraineWar #Politics #NATO


Secretary of State Antony #Blinken has admitted to Congress that the State Department (DOS) committed a crime in #Guatemala. He tried to justify it by falsely claiming Guatemalan Attorney General Consuelo Porras was corrupt, but this was projecting #DOS corruption onto her.



Kremlin in disbelief at US ‘insult’ of late Iranian president

#Kremlin in #disbelief at #US#insult ’ of #late #Iranian #president #Iran #Blinken

"Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has expressed disbelief at comments by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, following the #death of former Iranian president #Ebrahim #Raisi in a helicopter crash.

The top US diplomat claimed the Iranian people are “better off” without Raisi, during a grilling by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee over his department's reaction to the deadly accident on Sunday."
