

Earlier this year, I planted some spring onions between my strawberries to prevent them from getting attacked by bugs.

Surprisingly it worked well and now that the strawberries starting to fade. The spring onions are growing faster and I have already harvested 2 grocery stores size plants from another pot and have some 20 more growing.

Lost lot of of them in the aphids infestation that I didn't detect earlier, but I have more than enough for my personal use and enjoy having fresh leaves of them with my stews and sandwiches.

#CompanionPlants #Strawberries #SpringOnion #Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #France #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants


Companion plants chart!

One of the most amazing concept from ancient farmers was farming of companion plants.

The diversity of the mixture of plants would make it harder for bugs and pest to attack the crops and help enrich the soil rather than destroying it.

It also would help with the work load and harvesting of different produce.

This is one of the better lists I have seen.

#Gardening #Farming #CompanionPlants #Agriculture #GrowOwnFood #Diversity