

The Economic Decline of Germany

The suicidal decision to increase energy prices is now causing centuries-old German breweries to shut down:

The #decline of the traditional #German brewing #industry shows no signs of slowing down. Recently, several breweries have filed for #bankruptcy or closed permanently, resulting in the loss of centuries-old brewing traditions.

The latest victims are the Gambrinus Brewery in Weiden, Upper Palatinate, and the Gesellschaftsbrauerei Viechtach, about 100 km southeast. Both are located in the Bavarian border region with the Czech Republic, an area often described as structurally weak. The nearly 100-year-old Gambrinus Brewery filed for insolvency on Friday at the Weiden District Court due to unpaid bills and outstanding wages. The brewery’s decline is attributed to rising costs, pandemic-related sales losses, and internal issues, with current production at around 15,000 hl, half its peak output.

On Thursday, it was announced that the insolvent Gesellschaftsbrauerei Viechtach would close permanently after nearly 500 years, ceasing production. Despite intensive negotiations, no investors were willing to continue operations. Remaining employees have been let go, and the Viechtacher brand will continue to be produced at the nearby Hofmark Brewery in Loifling, located in the Cham district of the Upper Palatinate.

Last month, the 672-year-old Karmeliter-Bräu from Salz near Bad Neustadt an der Saale (about 75 km northeast of Würzburg) permanently closed its doors. The brand and distribution rights were acquired by Oettinger Brewery, one of Germany’s largest brewery groups, mainly active in the entry-level segment. It is speculated that the brand, named after a monastic order, will be used to establish the group in the higher-priced segment, similar to other well-known brands like Trappist, Augustiner, Paulaner, Franziskaner, Benediktiner, and Kapuziner.

In addition to various external and internal factors, the wave of brewery closures is also due to declining beer consumption in #Germany. Recent figures show a significant drop in sales in June 2024 compared to June 2023, with a total decrease of 11.2% or nearly 1 million hl. The Federal Statistical Office reported that beer sales in June 2024, at 7.77 million hl, were the lowest for June since the Beer Tax Act was revised in 1993.

#Prosperity is never a given. This decline, and in some cases, inevitable #collapse of various #societies is the direct result of the national elites being subverted and converted to false and foreign ideologies that promote dyscivilizational dysgenics. #Diversity is not a strength, it is a fatal #cancer to every society, as is readily observable in the histories of every #fallen #empire. The #migrants are no better for the #Germans than the #Spaniards were for the #Incas, or than the #Arabs were for the #Byzantines. In the end, it’s not the armies that eradicate a #human #society, but the #women and #children who normally follow them and eventually replace the #native #genetics with their own.

A Germany full of Germans is an economic powerhouse. An area of 357,022 square kilometers in the middle of #Europe populated primarily by German-speaking #Turks, #Arabs, and #Africans will be neither German nor an economic powerhouse. This is not rocket science.

The dirt is not magic. The ideas are not material. People will always live according to their own natural preferences. The transplantation of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants to the New World is what made America what it was in the place of the American Indian societies that preceded it. Neither geography nor ideology nor language nor even religion are determinant in the end, as genetics ultimately and always dictates the destinies of nations.

As the great Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld has written, #immigration is #war. To be more specific, it is war on the native people and their culture.


Das waren die Anfänge vor eineinhalb Jahren. Da gab es noch ein "uns". Im Frühjahr ist die Partnerschaft zerbrochen. 🥺 Nach ein paar sehr unsicheren Monaten steht fest: Es geht weiter. Mit mir als einziger Person und in kleinerem Rahmen. Immerhin. 😊 Aber mein Traum von einem #Vogel- und #Insektenparadies, das auch als #Nutzgarten dienen kann, wird doch Wirklichkeit. Und das in #Lauterbach. Ein aus tiefstem Herzen kommendes Dankeschön an #faltercomix und meinen "kleinen" Bruder. Auf ein Neues!

Those were the beginnings a year and a half ago. There was still an ‘us’. The partnership broke up in spring. 🥺 After a few very uncertain months, one thing is certain: we will continue. With me as the only person and on a smaller scale. After all. 😊 But my dream of a #bird and #insect #paradise, which can also serve as a #utilitygarden, is becoming a reality after all. And that in #Lauterbach. A heartfelt thank you to #faltercomix and my ‘little’ brother. Here's to a new one!

C'étaient les débuts, il y a un an et demi. Il y avait encore un « nous ». Au printemps, le partenariat a volé en éclats. 🥺 Après quelques mois très incertains, une chose est sûre : ça continue. Avec moi comme seule personne et à plus petite échelle. Tout de même. 😊 Mais mon rêve d'un #paradis des #oiseaux et des #insectes, qui pourrait aussi servir de #jardin utile, se réalise quand même. Et ce, à #Lauterbach. Un merci du fond du cœur à #faltercomix et à mon « petit » frère. Au revoir !

#Kräuter #Küchenkräuter #Wildblumen #Heilpflanzen #Saatgut #AlteSorten #Naturgarten #Vielfalt #verkauf #DiebsteinerGärtchen
#herbs #kitchenherbs #wildflowers #medicinalplants #seeds #oldvarieties #naturalgarden #diversity #sale #DiebsteinerGärtchen
#herbes #herbesdecuisine #fleurssauvages #plantesmédicinales #semences #variétésanciennes #jardinnaturel #diversité #vente #DiebsteinerGärtchen @Follower


I'm straight but I can appreciate what's natural. There are feral cats in my 'hood and there's been a trio of toms that weren't competing, and looked like they were actually best buds. Then I'd seen them cuddle together. One of 'em disappeared last year, likely trapped & turned in to Animal Control, but this year it's a trio again, but the new member is female and it looks like one of the males is actually bi. Fancy that.

PhoenixSerenity - 2024-05-22 04:08:32 GMT

#NBCUniversal is set to celebrate #PrideMonth with release of a #nature #documentary exploring #diversity of #AnimalSexuality.#QueerPlanet looks into #SexualBehaviors & #gender expressions in the #AnimalKingdom. From #pansexual primates to #SexChanging clownfish, the documentary showcases extraordinary creatures. The series aims to challenge traditional concepts of what is considered natural regarding #sex & gender, presenting insights from #Scientific experts.



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Ready to join the Absurd revolution? Head over to Absurd.link and start building your online haven! Share this post with your fellow Diaspora users and let's create a truly global community of weirdos who celebrate what makes us unique.

#Diaspora #Absurdlink #SocialMedia #Community #Gamers #Streamers #Hobbies #Diversity


Liebe Freund*innen und Nutzer*innen des Alhambra,
Für notwendige Baumaßnahmen benötigt das Aktions- und Kommunikationszentrum 50 000 €.
Diese Maßnahmen sind erforderlich, damit weiterhin Discos, Konzerte und Indoorfestivals, sowie kulturelle und politische Veranstaltungen in selbstverwalteten Räumen stattfinden können. Deshalb rufen wir Gäste, Ehemalige, Freund*innen und die Nutzer*innen des Alhambras zu Spenden auf, um es als Veranstaltungsort zu erhalten.
Um ein unkommerzieller, selbstverwalteter, barrierearmer Ort für diverse politische und kulturelle Zusammenhänge, Konzerte und Partys, Sport- und Tanzprogramme, Cafés und Kneipen bleiben zu können, ist eine gemeinsame finanzielle Anstrengung unerlässlich!
Mit den Einnahmen aus Getränkeverkäufen auf Veranstaltungen und regelmäßigen Spenden finanzieren wir den Unterhalt des Hauses. Neben Strom und Wärmekosten auch weitere Gebühren und Kosten, die für ein Gebäude anfallen: Grundsteuer, Müll, Wartungen und auch Reparaturen. Das alles wird freiwillig und unentgeltlich von vielen Menschen organisiert.
Wie viele von uns merken, sind die Kosten in beinahe allen Bereichen des Lebens gestiegen. Dies gilt auch für das Alhambra. Nach Prüfung unserer Fixkosten und einer moderaten Anpassung der Getränkepreise wollen wir die Preise trotzdem weiterhin so niedrig wie möglich für alle halten.
Während der Corona-Zeit hatten wir nur wenige Einnahmen. Dennoch haben wir die Zeit für Reparaturen genutzt, soweit uns dies möglich war. Dabei sind einige Baustellen aufgetaucht, die wir dringend angehen müssen. Denn wir wollen weiterhin für diverse Menschen und Gruppen Räumlichkeiten anbieten. Es reicht leider nicht aus, die Getränkeeinnahmen zu erhöhen und andere Ausgaben zu senken. Daher freuen wir uns über jede Spende!
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!
#DIY #Oldenburg #anarchy #alhambra #selbstverwaltet #politics #az #punk #diversity #queer


"Jeder ist willkommen! Egal woher er/sie kommt!"
Bild von meiner Tochter, 9 Jahre alt.
Gemalt am Donnerstag, dem 25.Januar 2024.
Ein Foto mit Kindern aus ihrer Schulklasse.
Die zwei Fotos sagen mehr als 1000 Worte. ☮️🌈❤️🍀🌞

#Bild #Bilder #Frieden #Toleranz #Gerechtigkeit #Gleichheit #Vielfalt #Kinder #Demokratie #Demonstration #Demo #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #Image #Images #Peace #Tolerance #Justice #Equality #Diversity #Children #Democracy #Demonstration #Demo #Photo #myPhoto


Morgen bekommen wir Rückenwind bestimmt!!!
Bei uns im Ort wird morgen von 10:00 bis 12:00 Uhr ein großer Protest zum Stande kommen!!! Auch Kinder von 3-ten und 4-ten Klassen aus unsere Grundschule sind bei der Demonstration dabei! NEIN gegen AfD, gegen Faschismus, Antisemitismus... NEIN gegen die Menschen, die in Deutschland Hass und Fremdenfeindlichkeit verbreiten!!!
JA für Demokratie, JA für Vielfalt, JA für alle Menschen, die in der Vielfalt der Menschen und ihrer Nationalitäten, die große Chancen sehen für ein starken Land, Deutschland. ☮️🧒🏻👧🏼👦🏽👦🏿👨‍🦰🌈
#Frieden #Unterstützung #Inklusion #Akzeptanz #Vielfalt #Menschheit #Menschenrechte #Fotos #meineFotos #mywork #Peace #Support #Inclusion #Acceptance #Diversity #Humanity #HumanRights #Photos #myPhotos



Diversity Naysayers Make Labor Crisis Worse

A good article by Russ Niles on #AVweb. The story deals with #aviation, but is widely applicable and well argued.

One of the most interesting, frustrating, entertaining and occasionally frightening tasks of the modern-day editor is monitoring the comments on the stories we run. Most outlets have disabled comments because it’s just too much damn work to filter out the mean, hateful and irrelevant missives that inevitably appear no matter what the topic. It must be all Trump’s fault. Or wait, maybe it’s Biden’s.

#diversity #minorities #airline #airlines #aircraft #flying #bigots #bigotry


#Elon #Musk’s #Grok #Twitter #AI Is Actually ‘Woke,’ Hilarity Ensues

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/12/10/elon-musks-grok-twitter-ai-is-actually-woke-hilarity-ensues/

Grok is #woke, too.

This has played out in a number of extremely funny situations online where Grok has answered queries about various social and political issues in ways more closely aligned with progressivism. Grok has said it would vote for #Biden over #Trump because of his views on social #justice, #climate change and #healthcare. Grok has spoken eloquently about the need for #diversity and inclusion in society. And Grok stated explicitly that trans women are women, which led to an absurd exchange where Musk acolyte Ian Miles Cheong tells a user to “train” Grok to say the “right” answer, ultimately leading him to change the input to just…manually tell Grok to say no.

#politics #technology #ElonMusk #lol #fail #conservative #politics #economy #ideology #lgbt #lgbtq


#BaldursGate3 #Community: please don't #support the 'ser #Aylin' #mod

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18a4ryt/please_dont_support_the_ser_aylin_mod/

on the website they state that the mod "ensures that the #gender and #sexuality of world NPCs match #medieval status quo" and I was not even slightly surprised to see that instead of just removing the references to Nocturne being trans they instead decided that the easier thing to do (it's not easier) was to turn her into a man who tried to be a #wioman and then hated it... gee I wonder why they'd do that?and imagine my surprise when I saw that they had no mods that removed any of the magical aspects and creatures in the game in order to make it match "medieval status quo."it's almost as if they don't care about realism and it's actually just about their hatred of #queer people, because if they did care about realism they'd be well aware that we have existed since the dawn of time.

#LGBT #LGBTQ #game #gamer #npc #change #news #problem #hate #tolerance #woke #diversity #humanRights #fantasy


#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans