

THE #WARNING OF #DEMON #INTRUSION Paul described the drift toward #demons as part of the #end time last #days.
#Bible #quote
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, (NKJV)

#Demon #Intrusion – Why #God Flooded The #Earth | Discover

Demon Intrusion – Why God Flooded The Earth | Discover the Book Ministries


10am and on. Day cut into slices, individually spiced, hopefully fit for safe consumption. And always, having coffee for that. Discussing weird technical issues with a random language model, to a point where it feels uncomfortable as not knowing anymore who lead whom astray. Some sun's dripping through half-closed windows, through half-closed eyelids, into a half-attentive mind. Dial up, tune in, move forth.

#outerworld #welcome_to_the_machines #days_of_sun

#welcome to the machines #days of sun