

Ariel Gold אריאל ✡️☮️🕊 : In case you haven’t been paying attention, Israel had its army raid the offices of 6 human rights organizations last night. For Israel, a far bigger danger than violence is peaceful campaigning for freedom justice & equality

This is not going to break twitter and social media or be on world TV news for days. This is how Israel treats non/violent Palestinian groups. And then people ask, why don;t they protest peacefully!

Ever since it's creation, #Israel has been harder on peaceful movements and activists in #Palestine than they are with the militants. They know the power of non/violence can expose the fake "right to defend" slogan they hide behind when destroying the homes of Palestinians on a daily basis or shooting young boys and girls in the eye or their kne caps.

And sadly, all they will receve from the "defenders of human rights in #EU and #US is going to be a lame call to condemn, but that is not sure any more.

In the mean time, they keep confiscating land, keep #demolish #homes and #schools and keep expanding their cancerous #occupation of Palestinian land.