

#Hamas leader, Osama Hamdan:

🔻The movement showed a positive response to all the ideas proposed for a ceasefire

🔻We demanded a permanent ceasefire and are ready for a fair deal to exchange prisoners

🔻The Security Council resolution, despite its shortcomings, confirms a permanent cessation of fighting and the occupation’s withdrawal from the #Gaza Strip

🔻The Security Council resolution will not take effect on the ground unless the occupation agrees to it

🔻The decision contains points that we do not accept, but the main ones are positive

🔻Blinken is one of the obstacles to obstructing reaching an agreement because he only acts according to what #Israel wants

The problem throughout the scene is the American position, and Blinken must be more precise

🔻All obstruction operations were carried out “Israeli” with American approval

🔻Attempts to put pressure on mediators will not work in changing the position of the #Hamas movement

#Gaza #UN #HAMAS #Ceasefire #Israel #UNGC #UNSC #PeaceNow #ReleaseAllTheHostages #StopWar #EndApartheid