

Can someone explain to me how you kill 270 people and injured over 600 when your operation was to liberate 4 hostages?

Why is no one asking this question? How come none of the hostages were injured or killed when such extreme violence was used? Did they kill them after they removed the hostages for revenge?

Or they had anti bomb shelters when they went in and bombed everything around them before running away with the Israelis? /s

Is it just me or others think the same?

#Israel #Massacare #Gaza #WarCrime #Polotics #IDF #ReleaseAllTheHostages #palestine #StopTheLies #Military


#Hamas leader, Osama Hamdan:

🔻The movement showed a positive response to all the ideas proposed for a ceasefire

🔻We demanded a permanent ceasefire and are ready for a fair deal to exchange prisoners

🔻The Security Council resolution, despite its shortcomings, confirms a permanent cessation of fighting and the occupation’s withdrawal from the #Gaza Strip

🔻The Security Council resolution will not take effect on the ground unless the occupation agrees to it

🔻The decision contains points that we do not accept, but the main ones are positive

🔻Blinken is one of the obstacles to obstructing reaching an agreement because he only acts according to what #Israel wants

The problem throughout the scene is the American position, and Blinken must be more precise

🔻All obstruction operations were carried out “Israeli” with American approval

🔻Attempts to put pressure on mediators will not work in changing the position of the #Hamas movement

#Gaza #UN #HAMAS #Ceasefire #Israel #UNGC #UNSC #PeaceNow #ReleaseAllTheHostages #StopWar #EndApartheid