

Swedish minister wants to cancel permanent residency and deport those who carry the flag of Hezbollah or Hamas in Sweden.

Not only the flag of Hamas, but also any support for the Hamas leader or Hezbollah fighters.

Media have watered down his words who is far worse than what Germany suggested to demand those who want to become German citizens to pledge allegiance to Israel (kind of), but the Swedish migration minister want to push their agenda to cleanse the Swedish society from non nordic inhabitants, but starting the cleansing process by removing those who "glorify and celebrate terrorism".

"Runt om i Sverige hyllas terrorledare, bland annat i demonstrationståg mot Israels krig i Gaza. Nu vill migrationsminister Johan Forssell (M) kunna utvisa dem som viftar med terrorflaggor.
– Ägnar man sig åt terrorromantik och sprider antisemitism, och inte är svensk medborgare, då ska man lämna Sverige, säger han."

Anyone who wants to become a swedish citizen "must be well behaved and willing to embrace Swedish values" , in his case the Swedish values are tolerance and cooperation with neo Nazis and right wing extremists.

#Sweden #Fascism #Politics #Imigration #Citizenship #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Hamas #Hezbollah #Svpol


A video has gone viral on social media, allegedly showing #Hamas fighters shooting at humanitarian airdrops. Posts sharing the video suggest that, despite Israel's efforts to provide aid, Hamas is the primary barrier to assistance reaching civilians.

The video is digitally manipulated and does not show Hamas fighters shooting at humanitarian airdrops. It consists of two unrelated clips edited together.

PS. It is surprising to see something remotely impartial from DW these days!


#Israel #Propaganda #FoodAsWeapon #SaveGaza #StopIsrael


Israeli Channel 11 anchor criticizes the Israeli army for publishing the final moments photo of Yahya Sinwar, depicting him as a defiant fighter who fought bravely till his last breath.

The anchor argues the image undermines Israel’s intent to insult #Sinwar, stating, “If Israel sees this as an insult, they are mistaken in the eyes of the Arab world and the people of Gaza (he was a hero).”

He lived a heroic life, and Israel's PR fiasco made him a legend

Full video with English subtitles is available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2940

Even the media in Israel have realized that they screwed up so badly that the mistake will haunt them for ever.
#IDF #Rafah #Hamas #YahyaSinwar
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel


Diese Anführer von Hamas und Hisbollah wurden getötet

Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Sinwar. Ein Überblick.

Nach dem Massaker der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 hat Israel eine Reihe führender Köpfe der Terrororganisationen Hamas und Hisbollah töten lassen - zuletzt Hamas-Chef Jihia Sinwar. Ein Überblick.#Nahost #Israel #Hamas #Hisbollah

Diese Anführer von Hamas und Hisbollah wurden getötet


Sinwar was just another Palestinian for most of the world, Israeli PR disaster turned him into a legendary hero for Palestinians and millions of people around the world.

By releasing the video and image of Yahya Sinwar assassination, Israel made the biggest PR mistake since the start of the war. Showing him in military clothes, wrapped in Keffiyah on the battle front, not in a tunnel, not hiding among civilians, not in a hospital or UN school as Israel has been claiming to justify their mass slaughter of innocent Palestinians.

The internet is full of images, graffiti and messages praising him to be a hero who took the command and fought the occupying army of Israel.

#Netanyahu and his genocidal army may see this as a win, but in the long run, they created an army of young people who will see Sinwar as their hero and will take up the fight where he left.

I am afraid, with a passive #EU and complicit #US and #Canada, the outcome of the fight is going to be another escalation in the battle for Palestinian independence.

#YahyaSinwar #Israel #Occupation #Hamas #Propaganda #Hamas #Resistance #Palestine #Occupation #StopTheWar #PeaceNow #SaveGaza


Nach der Tötung des Hamasführers Sinwar

Yahya Sinwar - Warum der Tod des Anführers nicht das Ende der Hamas ist

Der Hamaschef ist tot - nicht aber die Hamas selbst. Neue Kräfte werden nachwachsen und den Widerstand weiterführen, sagt Nahostexpertin Kristin Hellberg.#ToddesHamasführers #HAMAS #KrieginNahost #Nahostkonflikt
Nach der Tötung des Hamasführers Sinwar


The #Biden admin admitted today that #CIA/DoD Special Ops have helped #Israel locate and track #Hamas leaders, an involvement in the #Gaza war that goes far beyond what the govt previously claimed. This follows Wednesday’s killing of... #Hamas' #YayhaSinwar, but also comes after months of assurances by the #WhiteHouse that American intel and special ops were merely involved in #hostage recovery."

With #Sinwar Dead, Biden Reveals US Role

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


some 30 years ago Israel was celebrating the murder of head of Hezbollah,

They thought that they had crushed the group, once and for all.

Hamas leadership is gone but there will be thousands of orphans from Israeli ongoing genocide who will grow up with nothing but hate for those who destroyed their lives and killed their families.

Just like #Hanua and #Sinwar they will fight to death because they have nothing to lose. Israel has taken everything from them..

The only way this madness ends , is to hold Israel accountable, for once and give Palestinians what they deserve.

But we can't do that, can we?

#Israel #Palestine #Hamas #Genocide