

“The pause in #NICE's publication is a temporary setback, and it is evidence of how determined the psychosocial school is to maintain its status quo. We can and should oppose this pause and support immediate publication of the #guidelines. We must provide public accountability if there is any interference in what NICE itself says was a rigorous process.

The tide will continue its turn. #GET and #CBT are on the way out because there is no scientific basis for continuing to use them.”

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ME #MEcfs
#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #CFSme
#G93point3 #G93

#EncefalomielitisMialgica #EM #EMsfc
#SíndromeDeFatigaCrónica #SFC #SFCem
#G93punto3 #G93



“Following the pause to the publication of the guideline #NICE has today, 27 August 2021, announced that it is to hold a roundtable event to better understand the issues raised and determine how it can gain support for the #guideline to ensure effective #implementation.”

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ME #MEcfs
#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #CFSme
#G93point3 #G93

#EncefalomielitisMialgica #EM #EMsfc
#SíndromeDeFatigaCrónica #SFC #SFCem
