

Signapse is an AI sign language translator. Well, it's designed primarily for announcements in public spaces, though can also be used for websites and videos. The way the system works is, they find videos similar to your announcement video, then use generative AI to make a new video based on the most similar videos from their video library. The generative AI being employed is generative adversarial networks (GANs). The final videos made by the generative AI are based on Marcel and Mia, actual humans, and they promise to compensate them each time their image is used commercially.

Signapse AI | Breaking Barriers with our AI Sign Language Translator

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #gans #signlanguage #asl


"This food does not exist." "Recent methods like diffusion and auto-regressive models are all the rage these days: DALL-E 2, Craiyon (formerly DALL-E mini), ruDALL-E... Why not go in this direction? TL;DR: cos we're poor."

"StyleGAN models shine in terms of photorealism, as can be some by some of our food results. For another example, the website ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com produces very believable face images. While GANs are still better at this, diffusion models are catching up and this may change soon."

"Diffusion models offer better control and flexibility, thanks in large part to text guidance. This comes at the cost of larger models and slower generation times."

This food does not exist

#solidstatelife #ai #computervision #generativenetworks #gans


"Get ready for your evil twin." "In a recent Microsoft blog post by Executive VP Charlie Bell, he states that in the metaverse fraud and phishing attacks could 'come from a familiar face -- literally -- like an avatar that impersonates your coworker.'"

"Accurately replicating the look and sound of a person in the metaverse is often referred to as creating a 'digital twin.' Earlier this year, Jensen Haung, the CEO of NVIDIA gave a keynote address using a cartoonish digital twin. He stated that the fidelity will rapidly advance in the coming years as well as the ability for AI engines to autonomously control your avatar so you can be in multiple places at once. Yes, digital twins are coming."

Get ready for your evil twin

#solidstatelife #deepfakes #gans #generativeai


Combining neural network generated faces with traditional 3D animation rendering from Disney Research. The idea is to fill in parts that are hard to do with traditional 3D modeling, such as the eyes and the inside of the mouth, to make a fully photorealistic render. In addition, the neural rendering from the face is blended with the 3D model to make the whole face more photorealistic.

As long as it's just still photos, it looks totally photorealistic, but the photorealism stops as soon as the animations start. The traditional 3D models don't perfectly match the movement of real humans. As a result, the animations look like regular 3D movie animations, maybe just a little better. So we haven't yet reached the point where we can fire all the human actors and generate all our movies with only computers.

They allude to an "optimization technique" but don't spell out what it is. I checked out the paper to see what it is. Basically they don't train the neural network, which is StyleGAN2, on the details of the face, just the details of the parts they want to fill in, such as the eyes. So the face is approximately right but not exact, and the neural rendering is blended with the traditional 3D rendering. The optimization process additionally partitions the parameters which puts further constraints on them.

Rendering with Style Combining Traditional and Neural Approaches for High Quality Face Rendering

#solidstatelife #ai #computervision #generativeai #gans


Das hier ist ausnahmsweise ein alter Comic, aber Weihnachten wiederholt sich ja sowieso jedes Jahr und da beschwert sich auch niemand, also poste ich ihn jetzt einfach nochmal. Sollte aber heute auch noch was Neues kommen, wenn ich nichts versage.

Heute ist der 3. Advent, also einen schönen Advent an alle, die Advent feiern, schönen Sonntag an alle anderen. Ich persönlich zünde allerdings keine Kerzen an, ich hab keinen Rauchmelder und nur 2 Feuerlöscher, das wäre also viel zu riskant.

#weihnachten #weihnachtsgans #weihnachtsfeier #comic #gans #islieb


Trabrennbahn-Recklinghausen 2018-05-03
Während Mama ihre Kinder in ihrer Nähe beaufsichtig, verscheucht Papagans alle Enten und Gänse die der kleinen Familie zu nahe kommen

Das sind erst einmal die letzten Bilder von der Trabrennbahn denn die Stadt hat ein Verbot für Spaziergänger erlassen. Angeblich hätten Hunde die Schafe gejagt und sogar verletzt. Wenn es verletzte Schafe gegeben haben soll, dann sicherlich von Jugendlichen, die in den Abendstunden dort ihr Unwesen treiben. (Eingeschmissene Fensterscheiben, Brände in den alten Stallungen legen, Flaschen zerschlagen, Teil des Heus auf der Wiese abfackeln.) Hunde, die einmal mit dem Elektozaun in Berührung gekommen sind, machen einen Riesenbogen darum. Ich bin nicht nur traurug, sondern auch sehr ärgerlich, dass wegen ein paar "Idioten" wieder mal Alle darunter leiden müssen

Hingegen finde ich die Begründung, dass der Artenreichtum der Tiere geschützt werden soll, einfach lächerlich. Wenn es bei der Terminplanung bleibt, dann ist hier in einem Jahr alles zugebaut.

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

#CC-BY-NC-SA #Foto #photo #Fotografie #Vogel #Gans #Kanada-Gans #Trabrennbahn-Recklinghausen #Tier #Natur #mywork #Mai2018