

The “7 Reasons” Challenge

The short, animated film, Seven Reasons why Gene editing is Dangerous and Unpredictable, clearly illustrates what happens to the #DNA during and after gene editing. Viewers quickly become antidoted to the industry’s baseless claims of safety.

The science is from prominent sources and is up to date.
At 6-minutes, the film is easy to watch and easy to share
Further, it creates a checklist, challenging the industry to prove that they address and prevent each of the seven dangers. But we know they can’t. They don’t have the science on their side.
For lawmakers and regulators, the film provides evidence that biotech lobbyists misrepresent the technology, which puts human health and the environment at risk.

For the public, the film generates appropriate outrage, and helps us build a powerful global movement to properly regulate gene editing.

The Stakes are Enormous

Certainly, our food—and therefore our health—is at risk. But the dangers go far beyond that.

When #GMOs are released into the environment, they cannot be recalled. A corrupted gene pool is self-propagating, creating unknown impacts generation after generation.

#Gene #editing is already so #inexpensive, it is in use by home hobbyists and high school biology classes. And with countless companies equipped with the #technology, virtually everything with DNA will eventually be targeted.

If left unrestricted, future generations will no longer inherit the products of billions of years of evolution. Instead, they will be forced to grapple with the byproducts of a technology prone to dangerous and unpredictable side effects.

Let us not be THAT generation that screwed it up for all future generations. Let’s be the ones that safeguarded biological evolution on our planet.

Please add your voice to our growing movement, as if life depends on it."



Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle

Don’t Let The Gene Out of the Bottle. This film exposes the world-altering effects of genetic engineering, featuring chilling testimony from experts: Dr. Elaine Ingham, Dr. Jonathan Latham, Claire Robinson, and Jim Thomas.

Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle is a powerful tool to convey the seriousness of permanently corrupting and replacing nature’s gene pool. It presents real world examples of #GMOs that have the capacity to cause catastrophes. There is a form of GE bacteria that could theoretically end terrestrial plant life, another variety that could alter weather patterns, and (in the final version) a lab enhanced GE virus that is far more dangerous than COVID-19.

#DontLetTheGeneOutOfTheBottle #documentary #film #genetically-modified-organisms #genetic #engineering #genetic-engineering #ElaineIngham #JonathanLatham #ClaireRobinson #JimThomas #InstituteForResponsibleTechnology #ProtectNatureNow #docu-films