

Are You Using #Gaslight Correctly? One #rule of thumb can help determine whether the word is being diluted.

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/04/are-you-using-gaslight-correctly/629522/

A good rule of thumb in testing whether the word is being used correctly is to ask yourself if the supposed gaslighter is in a position of power. If not, it’s difficult to imagine a situation where gaslighting is really happening—just like it’s difficult to imagine Black Lives Matter activists, who are dedicated to acting on behalf of the powerless and vulnerable, engaging in gaslighting the American public. Unless it’s serving the interests of the #powerful, gaslighting just doesn’t ring true. I wanted to express that idea in this Thursday clue: “Methodically manipulate someone with less power into questioning their own perception of reality.”

#news #society #internet #communication #manipulation