

En Colombie, à l’approche des élections, les assassinats et les attentats contre le mouvement social se multiplient

À quelques jours des élections législatives du 13 mars et des présidentielles de mai, et quelques mois à peine après des mobilisations sociales historiques, la Colombie fait face à une dramatique recrudescence de la violence, notamment dans le département de Arauca à la frontière avec le Venezuela, où l'on décompte 67 morts rien que pour le mois de janvier. Blandine Juchs du Projet accompagnement solidarité Colombie, nous livre son analyse. https://basta.media/Colombie-elections-assassinats-leaders-mouvement-social-attentats-narcotrafic-Ivan-Duque

#Colombie #Violence #Guerre #AccordsDePaix #DroitsHumains #Guerrilla #Paramilitaire #Farc #ELN #IvanDuque #Uribe #Assassinats #Elections2022 #Attentats #Narcotrafic #MouvementSocial #InegalitesSociales #Inegalites #LeadersSociaux #AmeriqueLatine #Conflits #AccaparementDesTerres #DeplacementsForces #Disparition #Politique #Corruption


Time for Insurrectionary History!

Enough of commemorating political and religious figures.

Let’s remember those who rebelled :)

Makhnovia established 1918 to be a stateless anarchist society

Flag attributed to the Makhnovists by Bolshevik media, proclaiming "Death to all those who stand in the way of the working people"

Makhnovshchina or Makhnovia (Ukrainian: Махновщина, romanized: Makhnovshchyna; Russian: Махновщина, romanized: Makhnovshchina), resulted from an attempt to form a #stateless #anarchist society in parts of #Ukraine during the #RussianRevolution of 1917–1923. It existed from 1918 to 1921, during which time free soviets and #libertarian #communes operated under the protection of Nestor Makhno's Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army. The area had a population of around seven million.

#Makhnovia was established with the capture of #Huliaipole by Makhno's forces on 27 November 1918. An #insurrectionary staff was set up in the city, which became the territory's de facto capital. #Russian forces of the White movement, under Anton Denikin, occupied part of the region and formed a temporary government of Southern Russia in March 1920, resulting in the de facto capital being briefly moved to Katerynoslav (modern-day Dnipro). In late March 1920, Denikin's forces retreated from the area, having been driven out by the Red Army in cooperation with Makhno's forces, whose units conducted #guerrilla warfare behind Denikin's lines. Makhnovia was disestablished on 28 August 1921, when a badly-wounded Makhno and 77 of his men escaped through Romania after several high-ranking officials were executed by Bolshevik forces. Remnants of the #BlackArmy continued to fight until late 1922.

#anarchy #anarchism #history #insurrectionaryhistory