

#911 government terror agents

We've Been Lied To All Along:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aZXsIkbxMGo

Dr. Leroy Hulsey is a Professor Emeritus of Structural Engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the world’s preeminent expert on the collapse of World Trade Center’s Building 7 on September 11, 2001. In this interview with Jimmy Dore Dr. Hulsey reveals the scientific basis that led him to conclude that the impact of the planes hitting the twin towers and any fires that were raging through the building could NOT have caused #WTC7 to collapse into its own footprint.

Jimmy and Kurt Metzger talk to Dr. Hulsey about his research, how he was persuaded to undertake this project and what kind of response his evidence-based conclusions have elicited from the media.



German PhD Structural Engineer, Physics Professor & Explosives Expert Max Ruppert - Out of the 9/11 Closet, On-Stage! [Around 24 min.]

Declares: “...the beginning of the end of science.”

(From the Article [Linked]): As the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, I’ve been collecting architects and engineers for the last 18 years. 3,600 in all. But I’ve never come across a structural engineer who’s also a professor of physics and an explosion expert - and who was willing to speak the truth about 9/11. Well we just found one in Germany.

Maximillian Rupert, professor at the Technical University of Ingolstadt, came out of the 9/11 closet this month on Markus Langemann’s public platform “Club der Klaren Worte” — “Club of Clear Words.”

My own editorial: Many experts have questioned the official narrative of 911, which has served as the "casus belli" for the most destructive series of wars in the 21st century. None of them, however, have the specific military technical qualifications and resume of Dr. Rupert. That he supports dissenters against the state-sponsored terroristic conspiracy is remarkable; even more remarkable is his confession and his explanation of why he has remained silent for so long.

NOTE: Article in English, interview in German with English subtitles

#JumadaAlThani1445 #ae911truth #SapereAude #911 #911Truth #Truth #Revisionism #History #Politics #WTC7 #911Truth #September11 #Building7 #WTC7 #US #SapereAude #Truth #peace #science #scientism #war #antiwar #September11


I stopped counting the deaths by weaponry among the children and innocent victims like these, nearly every day now, but which I documented since it was shocking. Littleton, Columbine.... I gave up after a decade or so living, seeing, and treating it, plus 9/11. But here we are again, if not a school massacre. I suppose a bowling alley or restaurant is the next best thing, to an intent mass shooter like this. FYI:

Children and Violence

#violence #MassShooting #massacre #Pogo #GroundHogDay #911


#Splitting the #Sky - #Exposing the #Real #Criminals #Behind #911 and the #NWO #Agenda

On September 11th, #2008, #Mohawk leader Splitting the Sky ( #JohnBoncore Hill) spoke on Parliament Hill as the final speaker at the 'March on #Ottawa for 9/11 #Truth', and he began to name the names of those benefited financially from the attacks of 9/11/2001, and to expose them (companies, individuals, countries and agencies) as being the real perpetrators. He also made a call to action to apprehend the individuals, because the official authorities have failed to do so. Highlights of that speech are included at the beginning of this video.

A few days later, we went to Mohawk territory in #Khanawake, near #Montreal and we conducted an on-camera #interview (*) in which Splitting the Sky systematically went through his research, naming the names and exposing the agenda. He stated the risks which he faced for making these statements, but felt 100% certain about his conclusions, and stressed the importance of bringing out this information. He stated that attempts have been made on his life in the past, in his years of activism, and that he did not fear death.

Several times over the years, Splitting the Sky had said to several friends, "If someone tells you that I died from a slip and fall – don't believe it."

On March 13th, 2013, he was #found #dead in a secluded area of his hometown of Chase, BC. Media reports say that he likely slipped, fell, and died of a resulting head wound.

(*) This interview begins around the 11:45 mark. Poorly made, amateur quality, sound is not right at the beginning, information riveting.

Published 22nd March 2013 (1:55:18)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JN57CBOPAyw