

KolibriOS on eBox-3350MX (tiny x86 PC): take 2

#ha! today tried KolibriOS
It is a tiny yet incredibly powerful and fast operating system. This power requires only a few megabyte disk space and 8MB of RAM to run. Kolibri features a rich set of applications that include word processor, image viewer, graphical editor, web browser and well over 30 exciting games. Full FAT12/16/32 support is implemented, as well as read-only support for NTFS, ISO9660 and Ext2/3/4. Drivers are written for popular sound, network and graphics cards.

Have you ever dreamed of a system that boots in less than few seconds from power-on to working GUI? Applications that start instantly, immediately after clicking an icon, without annoying hourglass pointers? This speed is achieved since the core parts of KolibriOS (kernel and drivers) are written entirely in FASM assembly language! Try Kolibri and compare it with such heavyweights as Windows and Linux.

you can download it here... btw, the .iso has only 93,9 MB

#linux #kolibri #russia #system


Decided to spin up a local k3s cluster running on my (ARM64) laptop. Another interesting bit about the Docker environment is how easy it is to migrate configurations across platforms.

I'll add that spinning up a cluster in k3s is just running a single command per node; one for the master node and one for each of the server nodes. It's trivial to automate and completes in seconds.

Now I'm messing around with #ceph for managing high-availability #storage (filesystem and #s3) and #stolon for high-availability #postgres.

#docker #kubernetes #k3s #k8s #arm64 #buildx #ha


November - Public Domain

arabisches N

#foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC

Guten Morgen #Welt!

#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


#Ha! Endlich!

Im Endspurt hat es der #November endlich geschafft, sich auch wie ein November anzufühlen und auszusehen.

Ich mag es total, an solch einem #Tag spazieren zu gehen. Es ist ungemütlich kalt, aber noch kein #Frost, die #Luftfeuchtigkeit beträgt gefühlte #200% und kriecht langsam durch die dicke #Jacke.
Aber, es ist still, selbst am #Möhnesee mit seiner weltberühmten und geschichtsträchtigen #Staumauer ist #Ruhe eingekehrt und man wandelt alleine durch diese wundervolle Gegend.

Wichtig ist aber ebenso, dass es danach ein mummeliges #Plätzchen gibt, wo man sich gemütlich aufwärmen kann :-)

Ich mache dann mal #Kaffee!
