

It always amazes me when people that claim to be against de-platforming and condemn the actions of anti Free Speech companies like twitter, not only continue to post to it but when I mention Diaspora not only do they have no idea what I'm talking about, but don't even put in effort to find out. This even includes long-time tech-y type dudes.

Then again, look how long its taken bitcoin to catch the public eye compared to when it actually started, and that involves money.

#decentralization #networks #centralization #bitcoin #diaspora #complainers #bigtech #smalltech #littletech #twitter #obvious #theydontlisten #freedom #privacy #freespeech #socialnetworks


"In 2017, during an interview with Axios, Parker expressed concerns about the role of Facebook in society, saying that it 'exploit[s] a vulnerability in human psychology' as it creates a 'social-validation feedback loop.' Parker stated that he was 'something of a conscientious objector' to using social media."

Parker. Sean...Parker. Billionaire former President of Facebook. That Sean Parker.

#deepthoughts #saysalot #socialnetworks #socialmedia #napster #causeandeffect #midnight #interesting #bigtech #smalltech #networks #society #hmm #howboutthat