

Israeli, Saudi and neocon funded "activists" push for attacks against Iranians in US and Europe pushing for the new JCPOA

Ever since the first day of the protests in Iran after the tragic death of #MahsaAmino, the young woman who died in hospital shortly after she was captured by IRI's "moral police" almost 3 months ago, the large number of "activists" and massive number of fake accounts and bots started a coordinated attack against anyone who is not sharing their extremist views and those who have been working hard to push for lifting the illegal and immortal sanctions intiated by #Trump against #Iran and signing the new nuclear deal (even called #JCPOA2).

She is one of those who is being interviewed regularly by #Israel's #i24_en, #SaudiArabia's #AlArabia_en and Saudi Financed Persian language #IranInternational as "Iranian expert".
#Politics #IranProtests #Propagands #NIAC