

Why do the multi-billionaire mainstream media owners use straight out lies to convince their readers to vote #Tory, or at least NOT vote #Labour?
Very brave & famous actor Greg Wise exposes all: The elite are treated differently than the majority; hundreds of Brits with £BILLIONS hidden away offshore to avoid paying tax, & the #HMRC (tax office) under the Tories is turning a deliberate blind eye to this, even though they KNOW who these people are!
There is enough money owing in tax, just from these super rich people, to more than wipe out ALL our countries debt, & with enough left over to reverse the #austerity cuts. What do the HMRC do under the Tories, if not going after the super rich? They go after the #workingClass common people, like plumbers with dawn raids, imprison mothers who claim too much tax credit by accident, etc. The ONLY political party which has been trying to bring this super rich mans #corruption to light, & close these corrupt tax loopholes, is the #LabourParty; & THATS why "secretly right wing" papers:

  1. "THE SUN" (owned by Rupert Murdoch, personal wealth over $21.5 BILLION),
  2. "THE DAILY MAIL" (owned by Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount of Rothermere, personal wealth well over £1 BILLION),
  3. "THE EXPRESS" (owned by Richard Desmond, personal wealth over £2.6 BILLION) or
  4. "THE TELEGRAPH" (owned by The Barclay Brothers, personal wealth over £8 BILLION)

ALL told their readers ridiculous lies to do ANYTHING to stop them voting for Labour. And their manipulations paid off - despite the Tories only gaining 269K more votes than 2017 (where they lost their majority) with a total of 13.9 million in 2019, the vast majority of voters voted AGAINST the Tories with 17.93 MILLION votes for opposition parties, BUT (& this is where the lies paid off) the right wing media convinced enough people to NOT vote Labour, & hence split the vote to ineffectiveness, that despite getting considerably less than half the votes, the Tories got more than enough seats to form a majority government... The readers of these papers simply got played by the owners of the papers they read, so the owners could keep their Tory government, & keep avoiding paying tax... It's that simple.

Feel free to fact check for yourself, I encourage it - its the provable truth.
#TheSun #TheDailyMail #TheExpress #TheTelegraph #RupertMurdoch #JonathanHarmsworth #RichardDesmond #TheBarclayBrothers #uk #greatbritain #unitedkingdom #Austerity #toriesout #EastMidlands #borisJohnson #conservative #strongandstable #BorisTheCoward #BorisTheLiar #ToryLies #ToriesOut #UKPolitics #RevokeRemainRebuild #Brexit #UK #GB #UnitedKingdom #GreatBritain #England #Britain #Tories #Tory #ProjectFear #Europe #Europa #EuropeanUnion #NoDealBrexit #NoDealBrexit 🎩 🍾 😴 💤 #StopBrexit #capitalism #corporatocracy #ToryLies #ToriesOut #BrexitChaos #StopTheCoup #LiarLiar #ToryLies #BrexitChaos #BrexitShambles