

US could have saved 338,000 lives from Covid with universal healthcare, study finds
Report’s author says people died because US healthcare ‘leaves millions without adequate access to medical treatment’
Eric Berger
Thu 16 Jun 2022 08.36 EDT

The US could have saved more than 338,000 lives and more than $105bn in healthcare costs in the Covid-19 pandemic with a universal healthcare system, according to a study.

More than 1 million people died in the US from Covid, in part because the country’s “fragmented and inefficient healthcare system” meant uninsured or underinsured people faced financial barriers that delayed diagnosis and exacerbated transmission, the report states.

#guardian #healthcare #M4A #MedicareForAll #Medicare #Medicaid #US #ACA #AffordableCareAct #Covid #Covid19 #insurance #medical


When did each part of our bodies require different types of insurance? Have YOU been able to afford basic dental care? Many illnesses come out of dental disease, especially for those with prior conditions like #diabetes. America needs to move to a single payer system that doesn't rely on corporations to take care of basic health. Insurance kills. It's time for #M4A and a #NewParty that will fight for you!