

Biden is coming close to achieving 1984’s end state of perpetual warfare

#Ukraine reconstruction will be, says the Times, a “gold rush.... #Russia is stepping up its offensive heading into the second year of the war, but already the staggering rebuilding task is evident. Hundreds of thousands of homes, schools, hospitals and factories have been obliterated along with critical energy facilities and miles of roads, rail tracks and seaports. The profound human tragedy is unavoidably also a huge economic opportunity.” Earlier this year JP Morgan and #Zelensky signed a memorandum of understanding stipulating #Morgan would assist Ukraine in its reconstruction.

And maybe those large American companies have learned the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan. Of the billions spent, much money was wasted on dead ends and much was siphoned off due to corruption. But success or failure, the contractors always got paid in our Wars of Terror. With that in mind, more than 300 companies from 22 countries signed up for a Rebuild Ukraine exhibition and conference in Warsaw. At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, a standing-room-only crowd packed a conference called Ukraine House Davos to discuss #investment #opportunities.


"A compelling presentation by John Hamer, author of the recently published book 'The Falsification of History', to New Horizons in St. Annes, Lancashire, England.

In October 1910, a group of seven men, all senior players in the Rothschild and Rockefeller financial dynasties, met in strict secrecy on a private island off the coast of Georgia, USA. Their brief was to create an organisation to usurp the power to create and print money, until then solely a function of the US government. This organisation was to be named 'The Federal Reserve Bank'. This plan however, had several extremely powerful, high-profile opponents who stood in the way of these banker's goals.

In the meantime, John Pierpoint (JP) Morgan, another American high-financier, involved in the Federal Reserve scheme, who also happened to own the British-based White Star shipping line, had commissioned a series of 'super-liners', the Olympic class, in an attempt to gain the lion's share of the highly lucrative Atlantic-crossing market. The speculative investment involved in this project was immense.

However, in September 1911, before the second one of the planned three 'sisters', RMS #Titanic had been completed, #Morgan's plans were dealt a massive #financial blow when RMS #Olympic, the first of the 'sister' ships off the production line was involved in a disastrous collision with a Royal Navy cruiser, HMS #Hawke.

And so, the scene was set for one of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated... in the100th anniversary year, John presents #information and #evidence that seriously questions the official account in the #history books."
#Good Q & A at the #end
#ice does not make #holes in steel etc etc
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zOca_wTZ5BQ



#chasse #morgan #keane #cahors #lot #quercy #occitanie #france

À l’issue d'une audience dense et poignante, le procureur de Cahors a demandé une peine de six mois ferme de prison pour chacun.

À la barre, le prévenu explique, ému et fébrile : « J’ai passé mon permis avant l’été, je n’avais chassé que trois ou quatre fois. Je me suis inscrit après le décès de ma fille parce que j’avais besoin de m’aérer l’esprit ». Immobile, il regarde alors droit devant la lui, cherche la force de raconter la scène pendant quelques secondes et puis : "Je me poste, je charge mon arme, je vois une masse sombre en lisière du sous-bois. Je la vois monter, redescendre, s'arrêter et je me dis Mais purée c'est le sanglier que j'ai raté. Alors je tire sans avoir identifié la cible, je pensais que la balle finirait sa course dans la terre ".

De son côté, le directeur de battue assure avoir rappelé les consignes de sécurité au début de la battue. Il n'en démord pas : "J'ai rappelé que les gilets sont obligatoires, le fusil doit rester dans la housse pour aller jusqu'au poste, on regarde où est placé son voisin de droite et de gauche et on identifie avant de tirer".
Mais Laurent L. le reconnaît : quand il donne les règles de sécurité "tout le monde n'écoute pas forcément".
