80 Jahre Jim #Morrison : Hund ohne Knochen
Am 8. Dezember vor 80 Jahren wurde Jim Morrison geboren
#Music on #Yellow-Lunar-Sun
#VanMorrison 8/31/1945 #Birth Northern Irish musician
#Into the #Mystic | #Van #Morrison | Lyrics
GreatGameIndia: Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects.
Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, has been on the frontlines exposing the fraudulent COVID narrative.
#covidvaccine #mrnavaccines #mrna #immunesystem #immunedamage #spikeprotein #immunesuppression #vaccineinjuries #vaccineinjury #usa #cancer #cancerrates #pfizer #UK #moderna #biontech #astrazeneca #johnsonandjohnson #fauci #gates #schwab #trudeau #ardern #merkel #macron #morrison #johnson #usa
Anthony Albanese wird neuer Premier
Australien hat der rechtskonservativen Regierung bei den Parlamentswahlen am Samstag eine Abfuhr erteilt. Anthony Albanese will „für alle“ regieren. http://www.taz.de/Parlamentswahlen-in-Australien/!5856131/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Scott #Morrison #Australien
Down Under vor Machtwechsel
In Australien hat die Labor-Opposition gute Chancen, die Parlamentswahlen am Wochenende zu gewinnen. Das liegt vor allem am unbeliebten Premier Morrison. http://www.taz.de/Vor-den-Wahlen-in-Australien/!5855667/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Wahlen #Kohleindustrie #Scott #Morrison #Klimaschutz #Australien #Inflation
Photo of stony-faced campaigner with PM divides Australia | Australia news | The Guardian
A sexual assault survivor who sparked a national conversation about the treatment of women and sexual assault in Australia has found herself at the centre of another fiery debate over expectations on women to smile in public.
And what if this had been a man? Would there be the same expectation? That Morrison defended himself, rather than apologise for what he'd said, shows what kind of person he is, for those who don't already know. For others to defend him by attacking Grace Tame is worse.
#politice #Australia #GenderIssues #WomensIssues #WomensRights #Morrison #DarkAges
#China accused of foreign interference after Prime Minister Scott #Morrison's #WeChat #account #hijacked and renamed
"WeChat is owned by #Tencent, which is one of the most closely controlled, theoretically private companies in China," he told Sky News
"It censors the platform all over the world. It uses the platform to surveil and monitor the overseas Chinese community.
"It is very clearly a Chinese government action in my view."
Or his #password was too poorly chosen...
#news #surveillance #fail #communication #problem #app #hack #cybercrime #privacy #Australia #politics