


Just when you thought you’d heard the last of the Covid vaccines—those #mRNA vaccines you’ve come to “know and love” as MIT so endearingly puts it— there’s a new version in town.
Welcome to the next generation of self-amplifying Covid vaccines, also known as replicons.

No, they aren’t “replicants” like in my favorite movie, Blade Runner (the original from 1982).

Although, in a way, it is disturbingly like that. Except they’re replicating inside our bodies. Like a photocopy machine. Yeah, inside our bodies.

Whatever will they think of next?

Japan just announced it’s become the first country in the world to approve the new vaccine, called LUNAR-COV19.

FYI, I found it interesting that they named it LUNAR and introduced it at the same time as Japan’s LUNAR landing touched down on the Moon just days ago.

Talk about synchronicity—or good marketing.

The collaborations on these vaccines get a little complicated but to break it down, Meiji Seika Pharma is the company that obtained exclusive rights to distribute Kostaive (LUNAR) from CSL Seqirus. They are collaborating with ARCALIS INC. to establish integrated mRNA vaccine manufacturing capabilities from drug substance to drug product.

Now, I know that’s a boring read. But I include the information to emphasize a point. If I were to list all the companies involved in this type of research, production and manufacture, the list would be almost endless—and even more endlessly boring


‼️‼️Dernières nouvelles : Des révelations explosives ont émergé suggérant que le Forum économique mondial ( #FEM) avait l’intention de nuire avec les #vaccins contre le #COVID-19. (in English too in link)

Dans une révélation surprenante, il a été révélé que le ministère américain de la Défense ( #DoD) détenait des brevets liés à ces #vaccins dès 2016, exonérant ainsi l'ancien président Trump de toute responsabilité et laissant entendre que le ministère de la Défense l'avait trompé.

Les rapports indiquent que les personnes vaccinées souffrent d’une surcharge #cardiaque importante, entraînant de graves complications de santé.

Étonnamment, la #Nouvelle-Zélande a été témoin de foyers mortels où 100 % des personnes vaccinées au sein de certains groupes sont décédées en seulement deux heures.

Il y a eu une augmentation alarmante, de près de 50 %, du stress exercé sur les cellules cardiaques après la vaccination, une condition qui persiste pendant une période prolongée de six mois.

Cela aurait entraîné une augmentation du nombre de décès soudains et inexpliqués, des données alarmantes étayées par des études évaluées par des pairs.

Le développement de ces vaccins controversés est désormais lié à la Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( #DARPA) et au ministère de la Défense. En outre, 33 % des substances utilisées dans ces vaccins contre la COVID sont censées altérer l’ADN, ayant des effets permanents sur le corps des personnes vaccinées.

L’augmentation mondiale des cas de #myocardite, une inflammation du muscle cardiaque, est liée au développement de vaccins, ce qui laisse présager une crise sanitaire massive.

Ces révélations remettent en question la sécurité, l’éthique et les motivations derrière la campagne mondiale de #vaccination, suscitant des appels urgents à la responsabilité et à la transparence.

source: https://nitter.unixfox.eu/PolFabrice/status/1748327032809746868

#Davos #Davos2024 #OMS #WHO #Health #Billgates #Gates #BMG #pfizer #biontech #CDC #NIAID #Fauci #vaccinovigilance #couillonavirus #pharmacovigilance #injections #Canada #Toronto #mRNA #VaccineInjuries #DiedSuddenly #mortalité #surmortalité #mrna #pharmacovigilance #médecine #santé


https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/I/-/f/I/I-fIj.caa.mp4?u=3&b=0 If you only ever watch 1 thing on this topic, you would struggle to do better than this.

"You know why they didn't work? It turns out coronavirus is a very malleable model, and as a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for coronavirus, from 1990 to 2018, every single publication concluded, it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990, to 2018, that is the published science, ladies and gentlemen."

#coronavirus #patents #drdavidkeith
#ecr #covid19 #science #mandates #terror #domesticterrorism #premeditated #publishedplans
#lockdowns #masks #vaccines
#casefatalityrate #infectionfatatlityrate #conflation #switch #scam #forprofitmedicine #genocide #anthrocide #depopulation #operationlockstep #wealthtransfer #wealthextractionmaximisation #establishedbestpractices #pathology #followthescience #europeanparliament #whosafraidofthecommoncold #bioterrorism #bioracketeering #duress #wilfulignorance #patients #healthcare #history #cleavagesite #mRNA #PCR and even in #germtheory #thisiswrong #cytokinestorm #spikeprotein #bioweapon #autopsy #leavenostoneunturned #humancull #facethehorror

"it escapes the vaccine impulse, because it modifies too quickly for vaccines to be effective"

And this was known. Even through the #fluvaccinescandal in the 00s. It is not viable to vaccinate this part of our virome. As was, known, masks don't help, and do harm, decades earlier, through many studies. As was known the benefits of vitamin D3 and sunlight, and socialising, and exercise, and fresh air, and no stress... All the things hampered or even outright insisted against. In contravention of all #establishedbestpractices.

Shows the #danger of #terror to get us to lose our ability to #think, just react and #obey a #strongman to save us. #weareinalotoftrouble. #massformationpsychosis. #racket.



Wenn Epoch Times das schreibt, dann muss es stimmen.

Epoch Times DE - inoffiziell - 2023-10-12 07:49:05 GMT

Wissenschaftler entdecken Zusammenhang zwischen Impfspikes und Übersterblichkeit. Durch Vakzine injizierte Spike-Proteine sind noch Monate später im menschlichen Gewebe nachweisbar und müssen daher für dauerhafte Erkrankungen in Betracht gezogen werden.#Biontech #Corona #Cullen #Impfstoff #Impfung #König #Lipidnanopartikel #modRNA #mRNA #Pandemie #Pfizer #Proteine #Rohrig #Sars-CoV-2 #Spike #Spikeproteine #Vakzin #Wissenschaftler #EpochTimesPlus #Gesellschaft #TopStories


Do you recognize it yet...?

Note: The Nobel Prize was awarded to those who made mRNA vaccines toxic and not safe: The Nobel Prize was awarded for a population reduction invention.


#nobelprice #mRNA #Vaccine #Corona #Science


#Scientists at #Yale University have developed a new form of “ #airborne #mRNA” that #they claim can be rapidly deployed to #vaccinate #large #populations #without their #knowledge or #consent.


no believes the truth anymore !

As the globalist elite continue finding it harder and harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid jabs and endless boosters, they are having to find cunning new ways to force their jabs on us.
According to the researchers, the new airborne mRNA delivers the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections. The method has already been used to successfully vaccinate mice intranasally, which has “opened the door for human testing in the near future.”