

Wow, This Experiment May Prove If #Multiverse Is Actually Real
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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an interesting multiverse experiment!

Published 22nd October 2023 (14:57)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-sYy7_XyN8k

0:00 Multiverse in a nutshell
1:12 Not Many World hypothesis
2:03 Inflationary multiverse
3:10 Did it ever stop?
4:05 Could these bubbles interract?
4:48 Signs in CMB? Strange circles?
6:15 Potential experiment we could design
6:55 Quantum experiments
8:10 Recent experiments using Bose Einstein condensate
9:25 First experimental attempt
10:15 New experiment
11:30 Why this is important


Near Death Experiences, Other Dimensions, Other Worlds, Inner Light And Sound Meditation - Podcast

The realms described by the Masters are within one's self. That is to say, it is a journey of several stages that one passes through on the way to the Non-dual Ultimate Reality or Ocean of Oneness at the Top, beyond all illusion. The journey begins at the Third Eye Center, goes up through the Crown Chakra and through many levels beyond. During meditation (surat shabd yoga, out-of-body or soul travel), one passes through the regions. Certain lights, visions or sounds one encounters up this NDE-like "tunnel" inside are used as markers along the way. Certain key visions, lights and sounds, are associated with the astral, causal, mental, ethereal, and spiritual planes above those.

Podcast @ Apple:


Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5saWJzeW4uY29tLzIwNzIzNi9yc3M/episode/NTNiYmNjZDQtNDU2MC00MzJlLWIzMmYtNmRiMDRmYjBlYjUx?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjQuL72o4X5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ



In Divine Love, Light, and Sound,
James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:

Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation -- Web Page:

#NDEs #NearDeathExperiences #OOBEs #OutofBodyExperiences #OtherDimensions #OtherWorlds #Heavens #HigherPlanes #SpiritualPlanes #InnerRegions #Heaven #Multiverse #Meditation #InnerLightandSound #SuratShabdYoga #Santmat #Radhasoami #Sant_Mat #Radhaswami #Radha_Soami #Satsang #Podcasts #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #PathoftheMasters #WayoftheSaints #Bhakti #GodisLove #Mysticism #Gnosticism #Spirituality #Dimensions #OtherWorlds #Cosmos #GiordanoBruno


Donald Trump to Fox News: 'Seriously considering' Joe Arpaio pardon

Okay, if you understand the #multiverse as I do, an infinite set of infinite subsets where every possibility that can be realized is realized... at this point we know that we, in the infinite subset of multiverses where I typed this post, are in one of the more ... unlikely infinite subsets to be in? We can say that, right?

Obviously #CheetoMussolini is floating a pardon of #SheriffJoe in the press as a trial balloon. If there is outcry but not TOO much outcry, the guy gets a pardon and "the base" gets a little red meat. If there's a lot of outcry, he doesn't do it.

And then there was the whole being chill with #Nazis for two days thing. "On many sides. *wink*"

This whole reality... it's just fucking #bizarroworld now. For a much vaster subset of the multiverse than the one which we occupy, we are the parallel universe.

Also, we're now in the subset where Pyongyang got a nuke just exactly when Donald #Trump became President. How's that for timing?

#USpolitics #sigh #like #wtf #even #is #reality #man #alsoJeffSessionsiscomingafterlegalweed #postslikethiswillappearlessoftenifhesucceeds #:(