

Please help save the Tongass National Forest
#Tongass #NationalForest #Forest #Rainforest #Alaska #RoadlessRule #NRDC #RandyMoore #Chief #USForestService #Letter

"Before leaving office, Trump stripped protections from 9 million acres of Alaska's pristine Tongass National Forest in a blatant giveaway to logging companies and other corporate interests.

More than a year later, the Tongass — the heart of the largest intact temperate rainforest in the entire world — is still unprotected.

It's up to the Biden administration now to follow through on its promise to undo Trump's damage and restore protections for these wildlands. As they begin the mandatory rule-making process, administration officials need to hear from as many people like you and me as possible — people who care deeply about the Tongass, all cherished wildlands, and our climate.

The administration is seeking public input on this plan — but only until January 24.

The Trump administration gutted protections for the Tongass by rolling back something called the Roadless Rule, which protected these wildlands from industrial logging by prohibiting companies from harvesting timber and building roads through the forest.

Even as many other public lands have been invaded by industrial development over the years, the Roadless Rule has kept the Tongass virtually pristine.

The benefits are impossible to overstate. The Roadless Rule has:

🔹 Helped preserve the traditional and cultural practices of the region's Indigenous communities who have relied on these lands for millennia
🔹 Protected millions of acres of irreplaceable old growth trees that store more carbon per acre than almost any other forest on the planet, making it an absolutely critical tool as we fight the climate crisis
🔹 Preserved the habitats of wildlife species like the Alexander Archipelago wolf, brown and black bears, salmon, and bald eagles
🔹 Powered the local economy, which relies heavily on fishing and tourism

For these reasons and more, NRDC has been fighting for decades against corporate interests to defend the Tongass. So, when the Trump administration rolled back protections, we joined with Indigenous communities and rushed to court to stop them.

But the fight isn't over. We must ensure that the Biden administration feels the pressure from activists like you and follows through on its promise to save the Tongass by reinstating the Roadless Rule.

Thank you for standing with us again and again and for fighting for the Tongass.


Garett Rose
Senior Policy Advocate, Nature, NRDC"

You can help by submitting a public comment before the January 24 comment deadline. Help NRDC reach our goal of sending 20,000 letters in defense of the Tongass.


Through many years of activism, we stopped the Keystone XL pipeline. Now, we must pressure the Biden administration to halt other Trump touted pipelines
#Politics #BigOil #FossilFuels #Trump #Biden #KeystoneXL #Line3 #Line5 #DakotaAcessPipeline #NRDC #Letter #Petition

"The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is dead. TC Energy, the company behind KXL, officially cancelled the project after the Biden administration revoked key permits that were rushed through under former-President Trump.

I'm proud to say that this would not have happened without the vision, tenacity, and unflagging optimism of NRDC supporters like you who fought this hard-won battle with us over the last 12+ years.

This victory is proof that together, we can break the fossil fuel industry's iron grip on our energy supply. But there are a slew of dangerous pipeline projects around the country that still threaten our climate and clean energy progress, including the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), the Line 3 and Line 5 oil pipelines, and the Pacific Connector and Mountain Valley gas pipelines.

These projects were championed by former-President Trump — and now President Biden must make sure these dangerous pipelines never see the light of day.

NRDC and our members and supporters were part of the movement against Keystone XL from Day One. We stand with the Indigenous and frontline communities who are fighting to protect their lands and waterways from other dirty, dangerous pipelines that violate decades-old land treaties, circumvent bedrock environmental laws, and derail our path towards the 100% clean energy future we need to continue life on Earth.

The Biden administration shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, and they have the power to shut down DAPL, the Line 3 and Line 5 oil pipelines that would pass through large swaths of the Midwest and under the Great Lakes, the Pacific Connector gas pipeline that would cut across nearly 500 waterways in Oregon, the Mountain Valley gas pipeline that would pass from West Virginia to North Carolina, and every other climate-busting fossil fuel pipeline greenlit under the Trump administration. In this moment, our voices must be louder than the fossil fuel industry as it desperately attempts to cling to the status quo.

Thank you for everything you've done to help stop Keystone XL, and for fighting alongside us now to ensure these remaining fossil fuel pipelines meet the same fate.

Anthony Swift
Canada Project Director, NRDC"

Send an urgent message to President Biden right now: STOP THE TRUMP FOSSIL FUEL PIPELINES. The only way forward is towards a future free from dirty fossil fuels.


Now is the time to hold President Biden's feet to the fire for real action on the climate crisis
#Politics #ClimateCrisis #PresidentBiden #NRDC #FossilFuels #G7 #Letter #Petition

"President Biden is our best chance for meaningful climate action.

He's already taken bold steps to address the climate crisis: Last month, he announced the U.S.'s commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of the decade, and he will invest a whopping 40% of climate funding into the communities that have been most impacted by climate change — which is exactly where it should go!

But success is far from guaranteed. With razor-thin pro-environment majorities in both chambers of Congress, and fierce resistance from big polluters, our window of opportunity for tackling the climate crisis is narrow.

The last four years were a nightmare for people and the environment. The Trump administration and its polluter pals did everything in their power to put profits above all else — and the low-income communities and communities of color already disproportionately burdened by the climate crisis and pollution have overwhelmingly paid the price. Enough of that!

We need to make up for lost time — not just undoing Trump's dangerous attacks, but also accelerating toward a new era of bold climate action:

... Cutting greenhouse gas pollution in half by 2030? Yes!
... Creating millions of clean energy jobs and investing in underserved communities? Absolutely!
... Supporting the battle for climate justice in communities of color disproportionately impacted by fossil fuel pollution and climate change? No doubt!
... Going big with investments like expanding electric vehicle charging stations, strengthening the grid, and capping and cleaning up millions of abandoned oil and gas wells? For sure!
... Protecting oceans, forests, wetlands, and other natural resources? You got it!

If we're going to avert a climate catastrophe, we need our elected officials to step up and make climate action a top priority — but we all have to do our part to make them feel the heat.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Trustee, NRDC"

Tell President Biden to follow through on his promise to take bold climate action!