

Going into below zero territory, are we. Well, as Carol Burnett pointed out in Fade In Fade Out, "There's always one step further down you can go".

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-26 02:13:25 GMT

#Russia is considering downgrading the level of its diplomatic relations with the #US if Western governments go ahead with proposals to confiscate its frozen assets, state news agency RIA quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei #Ryabkov as saying on Thursday."We are now studying the optimal form of reaction, where countermeasures include actions against the assets of our Western opponents as well as diplomatic response measures."


#Ukraine #G7 #EU


West will condemn Iran’s attack, but largely ignore ‘Israeli provocations’

We spoke to Nader Hashemi, associate professor of Middle East and Islamic politics at Georgetown University, about the potential reaction around the world to Iran’s attack on Israel last night.

Hashemi said Iran will be widely condemned for its attack, unlike the series of Israeli provocations and attacks both within Iran and throughout the Middle East that have killed senior Iranian military officials and targeted key Iranian economic and nuclear sites, condemnations of which have been more muted.

“President Biden is rallying the G7 who will issue a condemnatory statement of Iran along these lines,” Hashemi said.

“In the Global South the response will be more measured” he said, adding “there will be calls for restraint, de-escalation and diplomacy without directly blaming Iran or Israel”.

“Arab and Muslim public opinion will note how many Arab states deployed military resources to protect Israel while doing the opposite in the context of the mass starvation and genocide in Gaza,” Hashemi concluded.

#Iran #Israel #US #Gaza #Politics #Hypocrisy #Biden #G7


Außenminister-Treffen in Tokio: G7 fordern Hilfen für Gaza

Treffen in Tokio - G7-Außenminister fordern Hilfslieferungen für Gaza

Zum Abschluss ihres Treffens in Tokio haben die Außenminister der G7 Feuerpausen im Nahostkrieg und einen Ausbau der humanitären Hilfen für Gaza gefordert.#Nahost-Krieg #Gaza #Israel #Palästinenser #G7 #Tokio
Außenminister-Treffen in Tokio: G7 fordern Hilfen für Gaza


The Decisive Turn

The mass of facts is getting to the point where even the #deranged #NATO strategists are beginning to have to admit their relevance to the situation and the total impossibility of the NATO objectives.
  1. Western arms and ammunition shortages.
    In June this year, British Defense Secretary Wallace said that Western countries had run out of national stocks of weapons that could be supplied to Kiev. For his part, Biden admitted in July that the decision to give cluster munitions to Ukraine was made because conventional shells had been exhausted.

  2. Public confidence in politicians in Europe and the U.S. has been lost.
    Ratings of distrust towards the heads of state of the EU and the USA are at a historical peak. 57 percent disapprove of Biden’s actions, 69 percent disapprove of Macron’s actions, 72 percent disapprove of Scholz’s actions. The majority of people in the US and European countries oppose supplying arms to Ukraine.

  3. The failure of the Kiev regime’s counteroffensive.
    The Ukrainian military, backed by NATO, has suffered huge losses in equipment and manpower. The lack of any results has disappointed Western sponsors.

  4. Economic problems of Europe and the USA.
    Eurozone economies are in recession. Germany is forced to cut social payments to poor families because of the costs of militarization of the Kiev regime. France has reduced the number of aid recipients; food packages are no longer distributed to those in need, and reimbursing of the purchase of medicines has been cut back. International agencies, expecting deterioration of the financial situation of the United States in the next three years, downgraded the long-term investment rating of the United States.

  5. Shortage of Ukrainian army personnel.
    The Kiev regime is mobilizing men over 50 years old, as well as those with tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, HIV, and others. From October 1, 2023, women will also be enrolled in the military register. Nurses, doctors and pharmacists will be barred from leaving Ukraine.

  6. Ukraine is bankrupt.
    Ukraine’s GDP in 2022 fell by 30.4 percent—the worst result in the country’s history. Without help from Washington and Brussels, Kiev cannot fulfill its obligations to its citizens. Ukraine has lost its financial autonomy.

  7. Demographic catastrophe in Ukraine.
    More than 10.5 million people fled from Ukraine. Another 11.2 million residents of Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as Zaporizhya and Kherson regions made their choice to be with Russia. Since 2014, Ukraine has lost 53.7 percent of its population.

These 7 facts speak for themselves: Either the Kiev regime capitulates on the terms of the Russian Federation or Ukraine will cease to exist as a state.

The madness will end, and the sooner it ends, the better. #Ukraine has already been comprehensively defeated. It has lost a higher percentage of its population than any of the defeated #Axis states in #WWII and any of the #TripleAlliance states in #WWI. #NATO has been exposed as a #paper-tiger and the #G7 “global” economy has been exposed as a mere regional one with no control and little influence over 80 percent of the planetary population.

WWIII will not end when Ukraine surrenders, but a NATO surrender on the Near Eastern Front will spare #Europe some of the suffering that the Ukrainian people have experienced, because the #war with #China is going to be far more economically #devastating than the #proxy #war with #Russia has been.


BRICS Gets Bigger

The anti-Western economic alliance just expanded by 383 million people:

Six nations will become full-fledged members of the #BRICS group of nations starting January 2024, after their candidacies were approved by leaders of the current member states, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced. The expansion topped the agenda of the summit in #Johannesburg this week.

#Argentina, #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #Iran, #SaudiArabia, and the #UnitedArabEmirates were welcomed as new members on Thursday. The bloc currently consists of #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica.

Ethiopia really stands out as a rather bizarre choice, until one takes into account that it is the 14th most populous state on Earth, ahead of both #Vietnam and #Turkey, two states that I was expecting to join BRICS. Argentina is also a little odd, as I would have expected #Venezuela, with its #oil riches, to join first, but it’s possible that its problems with #foreign #interference into its elections and its government might have prevented it from applying to the new organization.

Anyhow, what this indicates is that BRICS is as interested in raw numbers as it is in oil or technological advancement. So #Pakistan, #Indonesia, #Nigeria, and perhaps even #Bangladesh would appear to be on the short list, although conflict with India might keep Pakistan out and Nigeria appears to be among the #African nations most firmly attached to the #G7 states.


24.06.2023 Industriestaaten weiter zahlungsunwillig

Die Milliarden für die Klimarettung fließen nicht

Vor einigen Wochen hatten wir die wirklichen Schulden der ehemaligen Kolonialmächte gegenüber den Ländern des Südens aufgelistet. In den Verhandlungen in dieser Woche unter der Leitung von Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron sollten die Zusagen der Industrieländer "konkretisiert" werden.

Eigentlich ist eine Klimafinanzierung in Höhe von jährlich 100 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr, die die Industriestaaten an die Entwicklungsländer zahlen sollen, bereits 2009 auf dem Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen diskutiert worden.

Nun sind die zu erwartenden Ergebnisse immer noch nicht konkreter, schlimmer noch, es stellt sich heraus, dass es zunächst einmal um sogenannte "Schuldenerlasse" bzw. "Schuldenerleichterungen" handelt, die schon x-mal versprochen wurden. Von wirklichen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen ist kaum noch die Rede.

Die Realität ist, dass bereits 2020 der Internationale Währungsfonds IWF 34 Länder als Staaten einstufte, die sich in einer Schuldenkrise befinden bzw. davon gefährdet sind. Zudem listete der IWF 64 Länder auf, die mehr für Schuldentilgung als für die Gesundheitsversorgung ausgeben müssen, schreibt Telepolis.

Es ist Zeit, dass der Westen seine Billionen-Schulden zahlt!
Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/Finanzgipfel-Es-ist-Zeit-dass-der-Westen-seine-Billionen-Schulden-zahlt-9195289.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3uL
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8439-20230624-industriestaaten-weiter-zahlungsunwillig.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8439-20230624-industriestaaten-weiter-zahlungsunwillig.html
Tags: #Paris #Macron #Umwelt #Klima #Kolonien #Skalverei #Schulden #Entwicklungsländer #Milleniumsziele #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #Abschottung #EU #Handelsverträge #Knebelung #Zollschranken #Ausbeutung #Shell #WTO #G7


That can't be true! It is not happening to me!

The recent #G7 summit should be understood as firstly, the shaping of a battlespace in the ‘War of #Narratives’ whose principal ‘front’ today is the Team Biden insistence that only one ‘reality’ — the #US-led#Rules’ ideology (and it alone) – can predominate. And, secondly to underline pointedly that the West is ‘not losing’ in this war against the other ‘reality’. This other #reality is the multivalent ‘otherness’ that self-evidently is attracting more and more support around the world.


#Lip-service #UK #G7

There is no alternative.

Speaking candidly in Florence this month, Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat, ruled out peace talks. Ukraine needed massive supplies of arms because otherwise “Ukraine will fall in a matter of days”, he said.

According to The Atlantic: It’s Not Enough for #Ukraine to Win. #Russia Has to Lose.