

Start of my first serios attempt to worm composting!

Yesterday I spent almost all day going to the place where the lady who was selling this composter works.

Not having a car is a drag when living here is you want to visit any place that is not on the coast.

But can't complain, it was free with my annual buss card.

So i got the unit home, now i have to look for a place to buy redg wriggle worms.

There are a few places who sell them but they charge so much for shipping (understandable). I posted a note info the french red wriggle worms group on Facebook to see if there is anyone around here who can sell some 20-30 worms for me to start my new adventure.

This will take care of my organic garbage, produce some great compost and if I do it right, give me some worm caat fertilizer to use in my non hydroponic plants on the balcony.

#Gardening #Composting #RedWorms #WormComposting #OrgsnicGarden #France


Took some time but the whole balcony is green!

Really upset that Castorama has not delivered 2 orders i put in to buy more soil to make my green cover of the balcony using different cucumbers and beans

The seedlings are growing and hav no place for them to be planted.

Today will make 2 hydroponic cucumbers using dutch bucket powered by 3 small solar panels.

Really happy about my progress. Not bought any tomatoes for 2 months and eating cucumbers almost every day as snack or with salad.

#gardening #vegetables #balconygsrden #growownfood #orgsnicgarden #France