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Watery Star of Hopeful Urge
“By the Power of the unstoppable urge
Now you can drink it or you can nurse it,
It don’t matter how you worship
As long as you’re
Down on your knees.
So I knelt there at the delta,
At the alpha and the omega,
At the cradle of the river and the seas.
And like a blessing come from heaven
For something like a second
I was healed and my heart
Was at ease.”

L. Cohen – Light as a Breeze

Purva Ashada Nakshatra is in the constellation of Sagittarius and brings clearing, cleansing purification. The deity of this Nakshatra is Apa, she is the cosmological river Goddess of fresh water and the lover of Varuna the god of the seas.

Losing one’s individuality and merging into the greater sea of being, is the energy that this Star brings to us. This is a Shukracharia (Venus) ruled Nakshatra and rules conception. The river wishing to rush to meet the ocean is relatable to the urge of the sperm moving to meet the ovum.

“Purva Ashada Nakshatra
brings fluidic transitions
just as the inherent symbolism
of the river Delta…
where one water body
loses its identity for another.”
Transition from individual states of being to awareness of more expansive states of being comes from a losing of established identities. By purification of the subconscious sediment that we carry, we rush into the vaster ocean of reality. It is interesting to note that a river delta is also a place where underwater sediment in most pronounced.

Our subconscious sediment colours and expresses itself in the rivers of our being. Transition to new states of being come as things are resolved and purified from the underground. This is the lesson that Purva Ashada Nakshatra brings to us – That we have to leave some things behind if we are to come into more fluid states of being. Figuratively speaking – surface skiing upon the water does nothing to really resolve ones Karmic themes, though it certainly gives the feeling of moving.

On the path of a Tantra, the Yogin is careful to not exchange superficial surface maneuvers for the introspective healing work of facing the deep dark depths.

Bhairav Astami
The science of lunar houses is very detailed and subtle because it is dependent upon which Moon phase transports the energy to earth. Uttara Ashada Nakshatra occurring upon

“The Bhairav Astami
of half descending Moon
brings a movement
of unconscious sediment
and offers a transition
out of individual unconscious patterns
into a new sea of being.”
Bhairav is the deity who makes us face that which we fear, that which we turn away from and do not wish to face becomes our unconscious shadow that lives in the depths, and just like the undercurrent, it informs all the maneuvers of our consciousness.

Bhairav Astami has been ritualized by Yogins since time immemorial as a Moon day for accessing the unseen and unconscious shadow elements of our reality.

The occurrence upon Bhairav Astami of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is a time of working ritualistically with water. There are many inner and outer practices in Tantra that work with the healing powers of water.

The Gurus of Creation
Purva Ashada is under the rule of the 2 Gurus. #Venus is #Shukracharia, the #Guru of the #Asuras, and #Brhaspati ( #Jupiter) is the Guru of the #Devas. The Asuras are the dualised creative energies of the egg that splits upon fertilisation. The spermatozoa is the Devic singular force. We see that Purva Ashada is ruled by the Venusian Guru Shukracharia and is in the constellation of Sagittarius.

The stories tell that Shukracharia has in his possession a magical power that puts him in the possession of abilities that make him superior. It is the power of Sanjeevani Vidya that he possesses. This is the wisdom and power of bringing the dead to life. Shukracharia it is who brings life to the soul in an eternal circle of life and death.

“The seed holds the spirit,
but the egg is the doorway
of Sanjeevani
that permits incarnation.”
#Purva-Ashada Nakshatra is an auspicious time for the conception of a child, as power is given to the ovum and the spermatozoa. This Nakshatra brings the energies of Venus and Jupiter together, these planets are dualistic forces that if brought together result in creation.

Mythology & the Watery World
When Venus and Water Meet we get the mermaid, hence the star of Purva Ashada being connected to the Yakshinis, who are the elemental spirits connected to the water element in the unconscious. The Yakshinis stir in their depths when this Nakshatra is present.

The Yakshinis are the sexual elemental spirits of the second water ruled Shakti Chakra.

“Some aspects of Tantra
work with summoning & evoking
these sexual beings.”
The picture above is called Hylas and the Nymphs by the British painter John William Waterhouse. The Naiads are the water nymphs of Greek mythology. This story presents many poignant themes of Purva Ashada Nakshatra. The story tells how Hylas was on a search for fresh drinking water when came to an enchanting pond where the Naidas lured him in with their beauty.

The Naidas are similar to the Yakshinis of the unconscious watery worlds. They are energies that can lure us in by the promise of something wonderful.

The Yakshinis in the Indian mysteries offer treasure, pleasures and powers untold by those who find them, but like the story of Hylas, they can submerge us in an elemental world and keep us from fulfilling our karmic tasks. Hylas was looking for fresh water for the team of Argonauts but he never returned. We see him holding a jug of water in his left hand, the pond abounds with water lillies which interestingly are called Nymphaeaceae in Latin.

The tree of Purva Ashada Nakshatra is called the #Sita-Askhoka #tree. The stories tell us that the Ashoka forest was where Sita was kept captive by Ravan when he kidnapped her. The Expansive urge of Ravan was enticed by the Venusian caverns of Sita. Sita literally means a cavernous incline and is suggestive of the female Yoni. The Venusian ovum draws the expanse Jupitarian force, Ravan was so overcome that he stole her away. This is the theme of the Epic Ramayana.

The Ashoka is the tree that is sacred to the sensual water nymphs known as the Yakshinis. The Yakshins dwell in the deep unconscious levels of the inner world. Tantrics who make the unconscious conscious are able to see into the world of the Yakshins. Some Tantric magicians work primarily through Siddhis (powers) they gain from these elemental beings. Tantrics consider it a dangerous practice to enter into union with the elemental world for magical powers. It carries many dangers and karmic consequences for the soul.

We see in many fairy stories that humans become submerged in the fairy realm to their detriment. The story of the Fisherman and his Soul by Oscar Wilde hi-lights this allure of the elemental world wonderfully. The occult novel of the Sea priestess by Dion Fortune also covers the theme of elemental possession. The well known story of the Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson reverses the polarities and tells of a Mermaid who comes to the human world as opposed to the other way round.

Shooting Off
This Star brings a strong sense of Tapasya – this is quality of ruthlessness and fearless voyage towards the unseen. A yogin is for this reason called a Tapasyin. The word Asha in Ashada means hope and urge. This watery lunar house brings a battle like rush of water. It is activates the urge of the spermatozoa to merge with the ovum.

“The Ovum is Shukracharia (Venus)
and the Spermatozoa is Brhaspati (Jupiter).”
The urge to rush into the realms of life can become dispersing to our Shakti if we are focused on barren pursuits. Whether physically or psychically… we become aware of the nourishing or vampiric quality of our pursuits as the unconscious becomes conscious. When we gain insight into the motivation behind our urges, we come to see the mechanism of how they express into the fabric of our lives and the resultant effect thereof upon the Shakti we carry.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the biggest planet in our solar system. He abounds with an abundance of boundless energy. Purva Ashada is a time to study the focus of our urges. As this star is in the Brhaspati (Jupiter) ruled constellation of Sagittarius, the tendency to shoot out is pronounced. Under this star in concentrated ritual – Tantrics make a pronounced focus upon reversing the outward tendency of motion known as Privritti to the inward energy known as Nirvritti.

Brhaspati (Jupiter) is the ruler of Sagittarius. Brhaspati is the expansive energy of subtle wisdom, that is why he is the Guru of the Deva’s. The energy of Brhaspati is to expand and subtlety penetrate things. But the state of the fields of life that we are penetrating is to be taken into account, they will produce either barren or fruitful produce. The Tantric honours Shakti by discerning whether they are watering the field of death, or the field of life.

“The merging of the river
with the sea symbolism of this Nakshatra
is very much about the unconscious
becoming conscious.”
Remember the deity of this #star is #Apa, the #goddess of the #river. In the symbolism, she merges with the lover #Varuna the god of the #ocean through the releasing of parts of her identity that are born of unconscious imprints.



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#Purvaphalguni #Nakshatra
#Purva #Phalguni (The Former Red One or A Fig Tree) (133°20′ to 146°40′ #Leo)

Purva Phalguni nakshatra consists of two bright stars in the night sky Zosma (Delta Leonis) and Chertan (Theta Leonis). These #stars are in the constellation of Leo, positioned to the left of the bright star Regulus. Purva Phalguni is represented by the #front legs of a #bed, which signify rest, rejuvenation and pleasure. The ruling deity #Bhaga, the God of delight, bestows affection and sexual passion. #Venus, the planetary ruler of this nakshatra, brings an appreciation for relationships, beauty, and luxury.
Purva Phalguni nakshatra is the most theatrical and carefree of the nakshatras. Those born under this nakshatra desire recognition for their accomplishments, yet they must be cautious of laziness or pretentious behavior. This is truly a star of relaxation, recreation and sometimes vanity. Purva Phalguni gives the energy of renewal and contentment through the love of art and creativity.
Sacred Energy Vortex

The sacred energy vortex for the #star of Purva Phalguni is located in Thiruvarankulam, close to Alangudi in Tamil Nadu, India. People born under this star should visit Sri Hari Theertheswarar temple at least once during their life time.

The Purva Phalguni (Pooram) theertha, is one of the sacred bathing ghats in the world of Lord Fire. (A ghat refers to a stairway leading to a body of water). In the realm of Purva Phalguni nakshatra, there are seven theerthas Siva Theertha, Gnana Brahma Theertha, Naga Theertha, Indra Theertha, Skandha Theertha, Sri Theertha and Guru Theertha. All seven of these theerthas are not visible to the naked eye. Only after taking a holy bath at one theertha, do the other theerthas become visible. Therefore, the path to the Guru Theertha is only visible to those who have taken a holy dip in the other Theerthas on the Purva Phalguni star day. Due to divine grace, the sacred temple at Thiruvarankulam Sri Hari Theertheswarar contains all seven of these theerthas. Siddhas proclaim this as an important site of worship for those born Purva Phalguni star, as these peopleare capable of receiving the darshan of the precious theerthas. People born in Purva Phalguni nakshatra have a powerful connection with water, and they will benefit greatly from taking a holy bath at these sacred vortexes as frequently as possible.

After performing penance, #Goddess #Aadippoora was granted the fortune of receiving several darshans of Lord Shiva on the Purva Phalguni star day during the month of Adi. Those born under Purva Phalguni would also benefit from a visit to this significant sacred shrine on their birthday, Purva Phalguni day, AdiPooram (Purva Phalguni day in the month of Adi), and on their wedding.

Purva Phalguni nakshatra natives, your #incense is made with the #herb #Palalsh as prescribed by the Vedas.

Burning one of these pillars is like performing a mini fire ritual for that particular star formation. For your specific Birthstar, you will be able to connect inwardly to your planet of energetic origin and gain support with the positive aspects that are you.

Burning the other Nakshatra pillars on that specific Nakshatra day will tune you in with the favorable activities with that star’s energy for the day. It is recommended to at least burn your own personal Nakshatra pillar daily to stay connected to your essence. It is advantageous to burn the days Nakshatra pillar as well.


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Natives born in #PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra in #Astrology are intelligent, scholarly, logical, of sharp mind, clever and opinionated, true individualists, strong in morals, devoted and following their righteous path.

They are original, be true to themselves, not follow societal norms, live life at their own speed, travel the path less taken, optimistic, sociable, pleasant, well mannered, sincere, genuine, possess a talent of speaking, writing, and can become master researchers, writers, authors, and publishers.

They are independent, aiming for self-sufficiency, determined, disciplined, hard-working, full of reason and practicality, can generate good income, work pertaining to engineering, sciences, technologies.

#Purva #Bhadrapada Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: Two Legs of a #Bed
The symbol of Purva Bhadrapada is the 2 legs of a bed. It suggests a time to get admitted for a natural birth.

Deity: The #Ajaikapadha
The deity for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Ajaikapadha. Ajaikapadha can be split as Aja and Ekapadha. Aja means goat, and Ekapadha means one leg. Therefore, Ajaikapadha means goat with just one leg. Ajaikapadha is considered heaven’s bearer. Ajaikapadha is a form of Rudhra.

Range 320 – 333⁰ 20”
Rashi Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena)
#Yogathara #Markeb or Alpha Pegasi
Position North of Purvabhadhrapadha
Apparent magnitude 2.49
Latitude +19⁰ 24” 22’
Longitude 329⁰ 37” 43
Right ascension 23h 4m 30.7s’
Declination 18⁰ 10” 23
Characteristics of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Astrology
The yoni animal of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is a #male #lion.
They sleep and sit around most of the day because they know they don’t have to move for anyone.
Purva Bhadrapda natives would have this in their consciousness, they have to work, they need to work, but if they didn’t have to, they won’t, but also what happens here is that the work they do is always unfulfilling and makes them unhappy.
They feel directionless in life because the lion yoni wants to feel relaxed and without responsibility.
Purva Bhadrapada natives feel like a vagabond until they do something creative, political, medical or activism activities.
They need a purpose in life, and most of the time, the purpose would be related to children as the Leo sign falls directly opposite to the Aquarius sign.
This Nakshatra’s main domination is in the Aquarius sign, while on the Pisces side, they are more introverted, fluent and at peace at the pace of their life.
The lion is also known for his roar and when these people get frustrated, pushed to the wall or angry, they will roar and scream to make their point, which can be very eccentric to others.
Like the lion who lunges on its prey, the natives will lunge on the one who becomes the prey in front of them by being a predator.
Lion’s job is to protect the cubs, which shows these people will be extremely protective of children and family at all costs.
People with other Nakshatras may not have such brutal protective instincts and are okay with life and what their young cubs are doing.
Purva Bhadrapada natives may go out there stalking their child’s move and making sure they are safe and sound.
These natives will also have a lot of hair on their body and will think more of their head hair, especially when this Nakshatra have effects on the 2nd house or 2nd Lord of the chart.
The lion being the animal of this Nakshatra shows the connection with Goddess Durga, who has a lion as her mount.
She killed the buffalo headed demon, Mahishasur.Summary of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology
Lion is often used as a sign for Sun, as well as for a strong devotee.
God Narasimha, half man-half lion avatar of Lord Vishnu, had the purpose to save his child devotee Prahlad from his father Hiranyakashipu, who was killed under a unique set of conditions, such as at twilight (neither day nor night), on the doorsteps of his palace (neither inside nor outside), uses his nails to kill him (neither animate nor inanimate), puts him on his lap before killing (neither earth nor in space), which nullified the boon he had obtained from Lord Brahma.
Prahlada was the grandfather of King Mahabali.
Lions are not aware that humans consider them as the King of the jungle, they simply know that they are able to kill most of the animals, but a lion is there to watch for the pride, sleep and eat.
Purva Bhadrapada natives do excellently when in a position to protect children, working with children or large groups of people who protect certain aspects of life.
Another symbolism of this Nakshatra is that it has several symbols ranging from twins, funeral cot legs and two swords.
The symbolism of twin or two faces shows the polarity in these natives.
Natives with Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra may either be twins, or their family member would be a twin, but the strongest attribute is their ability to flipflop their views, answers, personality and mind.
They can actually come off as Vishakha Nakshatra natives with double personalities. Vishakha Nakshatra falls in the 9th house from this Nakshatra, which means one naturally will get personality traits from the father.
This can also be interpreted as being in two worlds.
Such natives are not only grounded in the affairs of this world but also have an affinity with the world, aliens, UFOs, paranormal, and death.
When it comes to the funeral cot, it shows their interest in death, health and life that is beyond the freshness of the living body.
They have a keen interest in pathology and how the body functions, but it also shows wanting to serve those who lay on the funeral cot.
It can be seen that such people are attracted to items that are old and dead in the culture. They love older antique items, which no one wants because they feel dead to an average person.
They are the people who will be purchasing an old VCR, boob box or old-style radio.
Aja Ekapada, or “the unborn, one-footed one”, is the deity of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
He is one of the Rudras and is the fire dragon. Aja Ekapada is often considered in his goat form and is considered to be the mount of Lord Agni, the God of Fire.
Aja Ekapada is connected with storms through Rudra and may also be connected with the Maruts, the wind Gods.
The archetypical unicorn may also be connected to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Seeing how Aja is one-footed, it can be seen that such natives will always have a leg injury where they will have to be on one foot for a while or on a wheelchair.
As a Rudra, these people are always attracted to natural medicine, herbs and acupressure.
Lions are animals that can take a lot of pain and survive. These people also love feeling pain in their body like a deep massage, acupuncture needles, etc. and just like Rudra, these natives are not lightweights; they will storm upon you when challenged.
They are extremely animated, wild and will like everything that 90% of the people will not.
If many people like classical music, pop, rock, Purva Bhadrapada natives will love punk rock and heavy metal.
If everyone enjoys mainstream hip-hop, they will listen to underground hip-hop.
If most like mainstream movies, they will like classic movies.
The one-legged theory is extremely true.
These natives will fold one leg to the other while washing dishes or doing some kitchen work.
A unicorn is a horse with wings and a horn on the nose.
The natives of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will always love having a statue of wing angles and horses in their homes. As children, they would love unicorns or creatures which are a mutation of the original animal.
Aja Ekapada is the fire that is connected with funeral rites and can be considered to be the spiritual fire, which purifies one’s soul.
He is also connected with lightning, storms, black magic, and extreme occult groups such as Aghoris & other extreme practitioners of yoga or tapasya.
The fortnight that follows after the full moon in Bhadrapada Nakshatra (full moon in September or the Bhadrapada Hindu month) is connected with offerings to Pitris and is called tarpanam fortnight.
Aja Ekapad is equipped with a trident and is shown with a stag. Rudra pierced the head of Brahma, who was stalking Saraswati in the form of a stag.
Aja Ekapad is one-footed and connected with meditation austerities. He is connected with rishis and munis practising meditation standing on one leg.
The severe form of meditation or the left-handed tantra practice can be connected with this Nakshatra.
Purva Bhadrapada natives are the type of people who want to stop stalkers in their footpaths.
They can’t stand when an innocent being is terrorized, just like Brahma stalking Saraswati.
Most of the time, such people love doing investigations or love watching shows related to murder investigations and serial stalkers.
If other planets in the chart make a person’s action negative, then such people do such things instead of fighting against it.
Due to the connection with Rudra, they love the medical field, especially since it deals with life and death (funeral cot) and severe rituals.
The magic side of this Nakshatra gives natural interest in kundalini, magic, aliens, UFOs and other mythical activities.
Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra have a love for dragons.
The natives love stories of dragons as a child or even have one of those Feng-Shu statues in their home due to fire rituals and relation to fire with this Nakshatra, but it is truly the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra that has this symbolism.
Lord Nataraja, the form of Shiva standing on one foot over the demon, can be a close resemblance to Aja Ekapada, though not the same.
In fact, every year in the Tamil month Maasi (Feb-March) from the day of Mahashivratri for the next few days, the Indian classical dance festival, Natyanjali, is held in Chidambaram.
It is at this time of the year the Sun is transiting or is in close proximity to the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
Mushrooms are strongly connected with this Nakshatra as it is a vegetable/fungus standing on one foot.
In ancient times soma was actually considered as mushrooms.
They used to make a paste of mushrooms, ghee, and other herbs to create the som juice.
Attributes of Purva Bhadrapada in Astrology
Spread from 20’00” in Aquarius (Kumbha) up to 3’20” in Pisces (Meen).
The Lords are Saturn (Shani) and Jupiter (Guru). It causes burns, pains, and the native burns things to ashes, uses words that burn, uses harsh words, is of evil disposition, has cruelty, greediness, restlessness, feeling of despair and unsatisfied ambition, and sudden excess of anger.
Anthropomorphically, this is the side of the body of Kalapurush.
Description of Purva Bhadrapada in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra will be adulterous, will have no permanent residence, be difficult to be won over, will enjoy, get money from the sovereign, is base, dutiful and long-lived.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in Purva Bhadrapada, he will be bold in his speech, mischievous, cowardly, and weak.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Purva Bhadrapada will be sorrowful (particularly for an absent lover). He will lose to women, be crafty, be quite immersed in blaming others, hypocritical, impatient, and heroic.
According to Brihat Samhita: Under the star Purva Bhadrapada, one will be unhappy, henpecked, wealthy and clever, but a miser.
Purva Bhadrapada Pada Description
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 1st Pada:
1st Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Aries Navamsa (Governed by Mars).
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are worshipers of Gods, enjoy life, cruel and stubborn. They are candid, stingy, respected, quarrelsome, grab others’ property, and court courtesans.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are aggressive, determined, action-oriented, a born doer, looking to charge, be impulsive and get things done through mental gymnastics, wanting to take action with their knowledge, and motivated to get out in the world.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are anxious to get to work, using information and the mind to inspire others, motivational speaker, teacher, writer, and working to inspire others.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra ensure practical applications of their teachings to others.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
2nd Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Taurus Navamsa (Governed by Venus).
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are enjoyers of life, well versed with spells, exorcists and carry on various transactions. They are interested in scents and flowers, chief amongst their friends, poets, givers, and wise travellers.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra gain financial knowledge, become financial experts, money managers, business acumen, the business helps promote independence and self-sufficiency. They collect information on how to make money work best for them, use knowledge to collect assets and material desires.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra use the money to help disadvantaged people, setting up or envisioning social welfare programs to help people on their feet, teaching or publishing about financial responsibility.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are indulgent in nature, lovers of music and art, creative with music and art, feeling balanced and joyous, pleasure through art, attaining knowledge of music or the arts, interested in the history of art/music, collecting pieces of fine art or music memorabilia.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshtra 3rd Pada:
3rd Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Gemini Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are wise, always enjoy life, are loved by their parents, learn, transact many things, and are wealthy and respected by relatives. They are peaceful and undertake all jobs.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are intellectually curious, scientific-minded, interested in how things work, master researcher, always learning, lifelong student, well educated.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are true communicators, sharing ideas, publishing ideas or opinions, a philosopher by nature, teaching philosophies, and broadening others’ visions.
Those born in the third pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra communicate spiritual ideas, teach spirituality to others, be a guru, get others to understand greater ideas, communicate ideas of humanitarian interest, and talk about of advancing society, helping bring humanity to greater heights through ideas.
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra 4th Pada:
4th Pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Cancer Navamsa (Governed by Moon).
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are wealthy, loved by their wives, respected by the world, worship their mothers, and support many people. They like music, wear ornaments, help at the sight of difficulty, and are respected by the king.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are emotionally connected to spiritually, sensitive and intuitive, have an interest in mysticism and occult, need to learn on a relational level, needing to feel emotionally fulfilled to absorb information.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra learn about spiritual ideas, concepts, how to use imagination, connect deeply with those who learn from them, nurture people they teach and write about emotional topics.
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra talk about love, compassion, romance, life, death, fantasy could be destructive due to the intense inner emotions, may feel isolated and turn to self affirmative pains, breaking the law, and hurt others.
Sun’s Ingress (March 4th – March 17th) of Purva Bhadrapada
Sun enters Purva Bhadrapada around 4th March and stays there till 17th March.
If you are born during this period, your Sun is in Purvabhadhrapadha Nakshathra.
This period comes under Aquarius (Kumbha) Rashi. The sign for Kumbha is a man holding a water pot. During this period, Holi festival is celebrated. On the next day of Holi, Dhoolivandhan is celebrated. On this occasion, Holi’s ashes are mixed with water, and everyone plays in this mud.
The sign of Kumbha has similarities with the festival of Dhoolivandhan.
Tree of Purva Bhadrapada: Mango
The tree for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Aamra, mango or Mangifera Indica.
The fruit of the mango tree is an indication of purity, love, and fertility.
Mango tree leaves are hung on the door for every auspicious occasion.
It is considered the tree of Prajapathi.
The wood of this tree is offered to religious fire or Havan.
The raw mango is used for pickles and other delicacies. Raw mango powder or Aamchur is used in various preparations.
Applications of Mango
Mango improves skin complexion and skin tone.
Sweet mango improves immunity and strength. It has a nourishing and calming effect on the body.
Mango oil is effective in oral health.
It helps in increasing haemoglobin levels.
Mango leaves are used to whiten the teeth or as a toothbrush.
Astronomical Information of Purva Bhadrapada
Most of the astronomers agree that the Yogatara of Purvabhadhrapadha is Markeb or Alpha Pegasus.
This is a perfectly normal star.
It is a blue-white star and is considered one of the very hot stars.
Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility in Astrology
Rashi compatibility of Kumbha Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Bride
Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces

Rashi compatibility of Meena Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Bride or Groom
Taurus, Leo, Capricorn

Rashi compatibility of Kumbha Rashi and Purvabhadrapadha Nakshatra Groom
Taurus, Libra, Capricorn

Compatibility Factors of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Nadi: Aadhya or first.
Gana (nature): Manushya or human.
Yoni (animal symbol): Sivha or lion.
Result of wearing new clothes on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Fear of water, wear and tear while washing new clothes.
Result of first menses on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Competitive with a sibling, likes to control, good at craft and aggressive.
Result of performing shraddha on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Gains knowledge.
Beneficial activities on Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Diplomacy, attack on the enemy, manufacturing weapons and marketing.
Beneficial samskara or ceremonies on Purva Bhadrapada: Start learning a new subject, threading ceremony, Anugraha or Deeksha
Remedies of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Praying Shiva, Durga becomes extremely potent for a Purva Bhadrapada native.
Make sure one sits on a strong chair because these people will run into issues with wobbly chairs or chairs with broken or cracked legs; when that happens, one should immediately change their chair.
Having a male brass lion in the South direction becomes very potent to balance that wild energy within the individual.
Sitting in front of the burning fire like logs would be another remedy to cool down the frustration inside. Yogi’s, especially Naths, always light a fire wherever they go.
Ardra, Ashlesha, Mula, Purva Bhadrapada and Uttara Bhadrapada are strongly connected with Nath Yogis.
Staring at the fire for at least 15-20 minutes, if not longer, will eventually turn into a deep meditative state.
Feed Any flesh or meat
Donate Gold
Vratham Rudhra pooja, Mahashivarathri Pooja
Vedic Sooktham Rudhra Sooktham, Rudhradhyaya Namakam
Remedies for Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology

Quality of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Purva Bhadrapada is known to be a Ugra Nakshatra which are best for funeral rights, going to war, causing destruction, learning about death, search for paranormal and ghostly things, anything to scare someone, tantric fire rituals and funeral home or where dead rest.
Caste of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
The caste of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is Brahmin.
This is the outcast Brahmin because they are the ferocious ones.
They have no emotions to spare for God-realization; either you come and be disciplined, get the knowledge the way they give or get out.
They are the Durgadari, the one with the energy of Durga.
The meaning of Durga is “unreachable”, something which is not from this world, dimension or Universe.
This is why realized masters have said Durga will only listen to her devotee one day a year, and then she goes back to her world.
Sound of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra


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The meaning of the word #Aashadha is festival or procession and #PurvaAshadha means before the procession. This is an indication that the key part of the baby’s growth in the foetus is over and the baby is getting ready for birth.

#Purva #Ashadha #Nakshatra in #Vedicastrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras, which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: An #Ivory
The symbol of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ivory. Ivory indicates the development of the brain and the soaking of calcium. Some people also consider the tusk of an elephant as a symbol of Poorvashadha. This is an indication of the maturing of the lungs.

Deity: The #Varuna
Varuna is an Aadhithya. The meaning of the word Varuna is the one who covers or binds. Varuna is associated with the sky, sea, and water. His streak of demonic violent tendencies led to his demotion. He has comprehensive knowledge of many topics. The direction of Varuna is west. Varuna’s mount is Makara. Makara is a half terrestrial and half aquatic animal.

Range 253⁰ 20” – 266⁰ 40”
Rashi Sagittarius (Dhanu)
#Yogathara #KausBorealis or Lambda Sagittarii
Apparent Magnitude 2.9
Latitude -2⁰ 08”
Longitude 253⁰ 32” 23’
Right ascension 18h 27m
Declination -25⁰ 25”
Characteristics of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra in Astrology
The yoni animal of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is the #monkey.
The one thing known about monkeys from cartoons and tarzan movies is that they swing from one branch to the other as a way of travelling.
Monkeys are extremely clever when it comes to stealing food and anything they can get their hands on.
In India, some thugs even train monkeys to steal wallets and purses from people.
The Capuchin monkeys are extremely smart as they can make tools and use sign languages to get their projects done.
They are also very much into hygiene.
They will clean each other for bugs, lice or any other critter in their fur, which also allows them to socialize.
They enjoy living up high on tree branches and prefer to be as high as possible.
Knowing the qualities of a monkey, it can be learnt about Purva Ashadha natives that they can’t stick to one thing for a long time.
They either give it up or have it taken from them, which are truly seen in their career path.
They continuously get and lose a job.
Such people do better in places where projects change frequently or freelance work.
This does not mean if you have just one planet in the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, your consistency in career is over; no, this only occurs when one goes through the dasha of the planet in Purva Ashadha or when the ascendant or Moon is in this Nakshatra.
It is like a monkey going from one branch to another.
The cleverness of the monkey gene doesn’t skip a beat in these natives.
They are extremely clever and strategic on every move.
They can pull any trick to achieve what they set out to do.
It’s not cheating, but they are 5 steps ahead like a champion chess player.
The symbolism of this Nakshatra is a winnowing basket or an elephant’s tusk (the themes and symbols of Purva and Uttara Ashadha are similar) or a hand fan.
The symbol of a winnowing basket is of refinement, cleansing and purifying.
It is used in India to separate small stones and particles from rice or wheat.
It’s a basket that requires strategic planning and movement to remove the chaff from grains; hence, Purva Ashada natives are natural strategists who know how to make any project clean and pure.
It’s very hard and strategic work to even make a winnowing basket for rice cleaning.
Lord Ganesha used the tusk or his tooth to write the Mahabharata text, which clearly shows the writing skills these natives possess, especially philosophical and theological writing.
There is a priestly quality to their writing as God Ganesha broke his tusk to use as a pen to write Mahabharata.
This story is about the epic battle between two families, including Lord Krishna.
Purva Ashada natives love reading and writing battle or war sagas. They love reading books like Sun Tzu’s The Art of War or Machiavelli’s The Prince.
The symbol of the fan represents comfort. When there was no electricity in the past, people fanned themselves, or someone else was appointed to do the job.
This shows the extravagant nature of Purva Ashadha natives.
They want comfort and the best of everything.
They want to be in the best hotel, best resort, have luxury items, accessories, and would like to fly in the first class.
Purva Ashadha natives must have these in order to feel normal, while others may feel normal in most ordinary conditions.
They are serial vacationers because they feel like crossing and being near the ocean.
The deity of the Purva Ashada Nakshatra is Apah, the cosmic waters.
Apah brings about the waters that inspire all of humanity.
Purva Ashada Nakshatra is also connected with the elephant-headed God, Ganesha, as he was the one who broke his tusk to write the Mahabharata.
The vanara sena, or the army of monkeys, assisted Lord Rama in his search for his kidnapped wife, Sita.
Lord Rama’s greatest devotee was Hanuman, whose mother was also a great devotee of Lord Shiva.
Hanuman is said to have created an alternative version of Ramayan, which surpassed the original version of Ramayana created by Sage Valmiki over a period of 12 years.
Valmiki was brought down to a mixture of joy and sorrow after reading Hanuman’s version and is said to have been perplexed by the magnitude of the work.
Hanuman inquired why the sage was bothered and simply threw his book into the ocean with the sage on his shoulder.
The sage said that he would be reborn in another age as Hanuman’s devotee and retell the Ramayana in a common person’s words.
This Nakshatra is also the birth star of Mars.
It can also be learnt from the mythology synopsis that Purva Ashada natives love being near water.
For them, water is a life force and not just a necessity.
Purva Ashadha natives will talk with their family members about how they want to go to the ocean for vacation and find a house near the ocean or river.
In the Ramayana, monkeys with Hanuman build the bridge between India and Sri Lanka. Similarly, these natives are able to accomplish the most challenging and unimaginable tasks with their cleverness and strategic intelligence.
This Nakshatra also occurs in the middle of the Sagittarius sign (natural 9th house in astrology), which means it is at the heart of the sign of higher education, higher knowledge, philosophy, wisdom and God’s devotion.
Purva Ashadha natives do excellent in such fields when planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are placed in this Nakshatra.
The planet Mars is born on this Nakshatra. Hence, it is a Nakshatra of war.
Wars may start on this Nakshatra, as it needs a lot of strategic planning.
To win any war, one must first strategize before implementing any plan.
Attributes of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread from 13’20” up to 26’40” in Sagittarius (Dhanu) Sign.
Lord is Guru; the deity is “Varun’ (Lord of the Waters), a ‘hand #fan’ symbol.
Its attributes are extensiveness like that of the waters, concealment, protection of the dependant, firmness in danger, kindness, forgiving nature, power of endurance, biding time for opportunities for victory, declaration of war, the courage never to submit or yield, cold things, marine life, fish or anything concerning fish trade, bridge-making, fisherman’s occupation, the watery part of the human system, kidney trouble, things that float on waters including boats, ships and other vessels, mist, i.e. barges, all these things come within the purview of this star.
According to some, the deity of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ‘ #Daksha’, the son of Prajapati. He was the father of ‘Sati’; he was the most powerful among Gods but having incurred the displeasure of Shiva, he was beheaded and had a goat’s head in place of his own.
From this, it is possible to ascribe attributes like truth, desire and other qualities of Puru, Kuru, Pururaba and others to this star.
Description of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra will be firm in friendship, modest, will have many sons, lead men, be intelligent, will consume savoury food, will have pleasure from wife and will be dear to the king.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in the star Purva Ashadha, he will be uniformly well-behaved, endowed with a high sense of honor, well off, and calm minded.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Purva Ashadha will derive sexual pleasures only from his spouse. He will be skilful, firm in friendship, will incur grief, be heroic and honourable.
According to Brihat Samhita: The native born under Purva Ashadha will have an amiable and jolly wife, will be proud and firm in friendship.
Purva Ashadha Pada Description
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 1st Pada:
1st Pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by Leo Navamsa (Governed by Sun).
Those born in the first pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra need to live with purpose, are expressive, authoritative, leading others, philosophical, religious, spiritual, ethical, and their moral views come out in creativity and are expressed in leadership roles.
Those born in the first pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra have little enjoyment in life. They are great warriors, endowed with bloodshot eyes, hard-hearted, are stingy, grabbers of others’ wealth, develop enmity with relatives and do cruel jobs.
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 2nd Pada:
2nd Pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by Virgo Navamsa (Governed by Mercury).
Those born in the second pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are soft-hearted, kind, have great compassion, are good communicators and possess writing talents, a philosophy of making things perfect, placing importance on details, and expressing philosophies in a perfect manner.
Those born in the second pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra suffer from stomach diseases due to the collection of water or endowed with a large stomach, are good speakers and are soft-spoken. They are kind, truthful, long to meet their relatives and are mostly religious, learned and carry on questionable transactions.
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 3rd Pada:
3rd Pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by Libra Navamsa (Governed by Venus).
Those born in the third pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra represent spiritual beliefs, social relationships with similar moral people, extremely artistic, will do art of a spiritual nature, art associated with a belief system, enjoy the art of their travels, foreign art, art involving the ocean or water in general, have a love of food, adventures for food, travelling to try the food, and lover of foreign foods
Those born in the third pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are fickle, pure, enjoyers, kind-hearted, entertain guests, wealthy, worshipers of Gods, religious, and respected by kings.
Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 4th Pada:
4th Pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra is ruled by Scorpio Navamsa (Governed by Mars).
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Ashadha are deep thinkers, passionate, full of depth, possessing a strong temper, prone to agitation, have difficulty with decision making, prone to secrecy, love is an adventure for them, are sexually ambitious, and have a possibility of having many children
Those born in the fourth pada of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are untruthful, hate learned people, sharp and bent on doing bad works. They are always angry and suffer from diseases. They carry on little jobs and reside in foreign countries.
Sun’s Ingress (Dec 29th- Jan 10th) for Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
The Sun is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra between Dec 29th and Jan 10th. If you are born during this period, then your Sun is in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.
No major celebration or festival occurs during this period.
Tree of Purva Ashadha: Ashoka
The tree for Purvashadha is Ashoka or ‘Saraca Asoca’.
Ashoka is closely associated with Yakshini.
It is also associated with Kamadeva or the God of desires.
Ashoka tree is worshipped in Chaithra month of the Indian calendar.
Applications of Ashoka
Ashoka is effective in uterus disorders or bleeding gynaecological conditions.
It is a cardiac tonic and good for blood circulation.
Its bark improves skin complexion.
It relieves pain caused by swelling.
It helps to regularise hormones and menstrual cycles.
It improves the strength and stamina of females.
Astronomical Information of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
Some astronomers believe that Yogatara of Purva Ashadha is Delta Sagittarri and others believe that it is Lambda Sagittarri.
It is sometimes occulted by the Moon and rarely by planets. It was occulted by Venus in 1984 and by Mercury in 1865. Purva Ashadha is owned by Venus.
Lambda Sagittarri makes the northern tip of the archer’s bow. This is a clump star. Even though it is dying, it is quite stable.
It is also a modest X-ray source. It is a yellow-orange star and is categorised as a very cool star.


#Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: The #mango #tree is appropriate for this birth constellation among the Nakshatra trees. Like family members, mango #trees must be cared for and looked after with love and devotion. The Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra natives would reap tremendous rewards from doing so. Additionally, offering water daily infused with Akshat and Kumkum would aid in promoting mental tranquillity
As per #VedicAstrology, the ruling planet for Purva Bhadra Nakshatra is Planet #Jupiter. It looks like a front legs of a couch. The Hindu deity for this Nakshatra is #AjaEkapada. The gender of this star is male. If you belong to Purva Bhadra constellation, check out predictions related to it such as characteristics, personality and traits, education and income, family life, and much more.
