

CN Polizeigewalt

🇬🇷 Weitere erschütternde Bilder von der Räumung des Lagers #Eleonas letzte Woche in #Athens, dem Lager für besonders schutzbedürftige Menschen, dem letzten offenen Lager in #Griechenland.
#RefugeesGR #antireport #PoliceViolence

@EFardjadniya via @Refugees_Gr



The Break the Cycle of Violence Act is unlike any other piece of gun control legislation introduced in recent history. Instead of creating more gun laws for the police to enforce, the bill instead suggests tackling gun violence by actually reallocating funds towards evidence-based community violence prevention programs instead of relying on police to solve the issue.


#GunControl #StateViolence #PoliceViolence #CommunityAction #nonviolence


A lawyer is tweeting videos of police using force at protests. There are more than 350

"On May 30, T. Greg Doucette, a criminal defense lawyer from Durham, N.C., tweeted out a compilation of 10 videos he’d seen of police using force against protesters in the wake of the death of George Floyd. He had no idea the degree to which things would snowball from there."

"As Doucette’s Twitter thread went viral, a flood of videos began pouring in from cities and towns around the country showing police shoving, kicking, pepper-spraying and otherwise using force against peaceful protesters. (One video Doucette shared involved Times reporter Molly Hennessy-Fiske being hit with rubber bullets while covering a peaceful protest in Minneapolis.) As of Saturday, Doucette’s thread has surpassed 350 clips and he finds himself struggling to keep up."

#PoliceBrutality #PoliceViolence #PoliceReform


Hopeful that Minneapolis policing will change? Meet the police union's chief ...

"Step forward Bob Kroll, leader of the Minneapolis police union. Kroll wrote to his members this week describing Floyd as a 'violent criminal', because he did prison time, in an apparent attempt to imply Chauvin’s treatment of the unarmed man being arrested on suspicion of a non-violent minor crime was legitimate. The union chief also described those protesting over Floyd’s death as terrorists, and the dismissal of Chauvin and three other officers facing charges as depriving them of their rights."

"A former Minneapolis police chief, Janeé Harteau, who battled Kroll in attempting to reform a department with a long history of racial abuse, quickly hit back, saying he was unfit to be a police officer and calling on him to resign from the force."

Donald Trump shakes hands with Bob Kroll, head of the Minneapolis police union, during a campaign rally. Photograph: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

#Trump #GOP #Minneapolis #PoliceViolence #corruption #ICantBreathe