

Bardzo smutne, ze musisz tlumaczyc sie z rekonstrukcji znaleziska historycznego. Krajka z Hochdorfu ma jakies 2,5 tysiaca lat, odkopano ja w grobie wodza celtyckiego -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hochdorf_Chieftain%27s_Grave a tu sie autorka tlumaczy z symboliki.
Very sad post - author feels need to explain why she weft S-word symbol, even if it is historically accurate, pattern is 2,5 thousands years old (it is recreated belt from so called "chieftain's grave").
We had few discussions about it - swastika is old symbol, used in various cultures all over the globe and somehow we gave up and allow to steal it.
I read it was very popular symbol in XIX century Russia (it is even in Kierenski ruble bank note) and a lot of artifacts were destroyed in forties.

#weaving #reenactment #Celts #Keltoi