

One of our self-funded films is ‘ #Narmada, the #eternal #river’. Originating at #Amarkantak in #MadhyaPradesh, the #River-Narmada flows for about 1300 kilometers from east to west through the gorge between the Vindhya and the Satpura mountain ranges and merges into the sea near Khambat Sagar at Gadurreswar in #Gujarat.

This valley was formed by the struggle of active land parts of the #Precambrian era, along with the remains of primitive sea creatures and #dinosaurs.

For this reason, the Narmada has been considered the #oldest river in #India.

Along with the evidence of the presence of early #StoneAge #humans in the #caves of the valley, the continuous presence of numerous ancient #Sanatana sites situated on the banks of the river narrates the story of the continuous cooperation of this river in the development of India.

In this short documentary, made under the guidance of Shri Samanand Ji from the Saptmatrika temple of #Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh, we have tried to showcase the enigmatic story of this eternal river from the geological, anthropological, and cultural points of view.

More importantly, the video is an informative and spiritual look at the Narmada River, one of the most #sacred rivers in India. The video begins with a montage of images of the river, from its source in the Vindhya Mountains to its confluence with the Arabian Sea. The voiceover then introduces the river's history and significance and discusses its importance to the cultures of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.

The video then goes on to explore the river's natural beauty, from its lush forests to its pristine waterfalls. A few original audio tracks and numbers make this video more attractive. The video also features interviews with people who live along the river and share their stories and insights about the river's importance to their lives. Insights shared by some spiritually accomplished personalities enhanced the knowledge value of the video.

The video also unfolds the importance of Narmada Parikrama, which is a spiritual journey that involves the circumambulation of the Narmada River, a 3000-kilometre route, on foot, leaving behind all belongings and economic means! The #journey is said to be a way to cleanse oneself of sin and attain #moksha, or #liberation.

The short documentary had been selected for official screening at the Mahakaushal Short & #Documentary #Film Festival and later was awarded the best documentary award upon its showcasing at the Shaheed Smarak Auditorium, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, on 18th December, #2022!



Dr.Hydro betrachtet die das niedrige Land. Die Niederung hinter der Lundener Nehrung. /The lowlands behind the Lunden Spit. #foto #2022 54.292683 - 9.062347


Dr.Hydro betrachtet das Ende aller Sachen. Entsorgungszentrum Tornesch. Der Hades aller Dinge liegt an der Merian Straße 7 in Tornesch. Es ist ja bekannt, daß Katzen den Eingang zur Unterwelt bewachen. Daher sind gemĂŒtliche Sofas und Matratzen hochwillkommen. Und ihr Geist darf auch ab und an mal fĂŒr ein wenig frische Luft oder eine Zigarettenpause ins Freie. Katzen mögen bekanntermaßen keine lauten ElektrogerĂ€te. LĂ€rmenden Staubsaugern ist daher der Eintritt verwehrt und sie mĂŒĂŸen auf ewig in der zwielichtigen Zwischenwelt verharren. In Cyanotypie. /The Hades of all things is located at Merian Street 7 in Tornesch. It is well known that cats guard the entrance to the underworld. Cosy sofas and mattresses are therefore very welcome. And their minds are also allowed to go outside for a bit of fresh air or a cigarette break from time to time. Cats are not known to like loud electrical appliances. Noisy hoovers are therefore denied entry and they have to remain in the twilight in-between world forever. In cyanotype. #cyanotype #2022 #lyrics



the guy who made the documentary series called #Cult #of the The #Medics, #DavidWhitehead. I've found an #interview he did with #Dr #BryanArdis way back in early #2022. I've listened to many hours of Dr Ardis on podcasts but he mentions a few things to David Whitehead back then that I've never heard before. One thing is what he says about the CIA frozen dart assassination gun, another is about the guy from the FBI who tried to tell the world about this envenomation long before DR Ardis got onto it. Then there's the bits that David Whitehead throws in about the symbology of the 'Cult of the Medics' being so snake/serpent orientated. Even the symbol of the #World #Health Organisation is 2 snakes wrapped around a staff.

If you are nearly or fully persuaded by now that the #COVID thing is really envenomation you will enjoy this interview and begin to move on from the "is it or isn't it" stage of things and start joining the dots on a bigger scale.

Way Of The #TruthWarrior - WATCH THE VATICAN With Dr Bryan Ardis
2 hour 8 minutes - Posted Apr 19, 2022

Today I will be doing a one of a kind interview with Dr Ardis on some recent developments in his #snake #venom thesis, I will be asking him some of my own questions about it along with yours, and then getting into the #Club of #Rome, KOM, Vatican connections and the symbolism of the cult of the serpent in relation to this plandemic and how it could possibly connect into some elements of my own thesis on the Cult of the Medics.

#Capitalisme, #Climat, #Luttes #Écologie, #Gouvernement #PĂ©trole #La-Teste-de-Buch #Incendies #ForĂȘt

Le capitalisme pĂ©trolier Ă  l’attaque de La-Teste-de-Buch

Un cercle vicieux Ă©cocidaire

Durant l’étĂ© #2022 La-Teste-de-Buch Ă©tait ravagĂ©e par un #incendie, 7000 hectares de #forĂȘts partis en fumĂ©e. Plus largement, 17.000 hectares Ă©taient dĂ©truits en #Gironde, la rĂ©gion Ă©tait ravagĂ©e durant cet Ă©tĂ©. Les #mĂ©ga-feux sont renforcĂ©s par le changement climatique qui est causĂ© majoritairement pas la consommation d’ #Ă©nergies-fossiles, en tĂȘte desquelles le charbon et le pĂ©trole.

C’est donc avec un cynisme total, sur les cendres Ă  peine refroidies de ces incendies, que le projet de l’ #entreprise canadienne #Vermillon-Energy, premier producteur de pĂ©trole en France, vient d’obtenir un avis favorable Ă  l’issue d’une enquĂȘte publique. Ce projet prĂ©voit la rĂ©alisation de huit nouveaux #forages-pĂ©troliers dans la forĂȘt de La-Teste-de-Buch portant Ă  101 le nombre de forages de cette sociĂ©tĂ© en France, dont 58 sont actifs.

La prĂ©fecture doit maintenant se prononcer sur ce projet #Ă©cocidaire. En thĂ©orie, la rĂ©ponse devrait ĂȘtre simple : en #2017 une loi Ă©tait votĂ©e en France pour stopper progressivement l’exploitation des hydrocarbures d’ici Ă  2040. Une rĂ©ponse positive de la prĂ©fecture serait donc une bien Ă©trange maniĂšre de sortir des hydrocarbures. Mais l’histoire rĂ©cente nous rappelle que la cohĂ©rence Ă©touffe rarement le #pouvoir en place (au contraire de la lutte contre les violences policiĂšres qui Ă©touffe Darmanin).

Les rĂ©sultats de l’enquĂȘte publique sont affligeants. Totalisant 102 contributions, le rapport mentionne clairement un “reflet des inquiĂ©tudes lĂ©gitimes du public face aux grands enjeux liĂ©s aux Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre et au rĂ©chauffement climatique”. L’acceptation de ce projet est donc un Ă©niĂšme manque de respect des institutions Ă  l’égard des populations locales et de la vie en gĂ©nĂ©ral. C’est aussi un mĂ©pris profond pour les accords de Paris, dont le bilan est actuellement rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  la mascarade de la #COP28, Ă  DubaĂŻ.

Comble de l’ironie, l’enquĂȘtrice Carole Ancla justifie le projet par un argumentaire dĂ©lirant. En effet, si le pĂ©trole est produit en France, cela diminue les Ă©missions liĂ©es Ă  son transport. On aurait ici affaire Ă  une sorte de pĂ©trole bas carbone.
Bienvenue en absurdie capitaliste, oĂč des #lobbyistes mĂ©galos se moquent ouvertement de l’avenir des populations.
Cet argument de “pĂ©trole Ă©co-responsable” est d’ailleurs balayĂ© d’un revers de manche par Pantxika Etcheverry, Directrice gĂ©nĂ©rale de Vermilion France, pour le coup bien plus honnĂȘte : “C’est important de pouvoir stabiliser notre cƓur d’activitĂ© pour rĂ©flĂ©chir Ă  nos projets d’avenir comme l’hydrogĂšne bas carbone ou la gĂ©othermie”. La fuite en avant d’un capitalisme dĂ©bridĂ© et mortifĂšre qui laisse croire que l’innovation viendra solutionner les problĂšmes climatiques.

Ne soyons pas dupe de la #communication gouvernementale : le climat est Ă  la dĂ©rive et les solutions Ă  apporter ne rĂ©sident en rien dans les solutions offertes par la Start-Up Nation. N’attendons rien de nos dirigeants, organisons la lutte !

Quelques sources :
