


the guy who made the documentary series called #Cult #of the The #Medics, #DavidWhitehead. I've found an #interview he did with #Dr #BryanArdis way back in early #2022. I've listened to many hours of Dr Ardis on podcasts but he mentions a few things to David Whitehead back then that I've never heard before. One thing is what he says about the CIA frozen dart assassination gun, another is about the guy from the FBI who tried to tell the world about this envenomation long before DR Ardis got onto it. Then there's the bits that David Whitehead throws in about the symbology of the 'Cult of the Medics' being so snake/serpent orientated. Even the symbol of the #World #Health Organisation is 2 snakes wrapped around a staff.

If you are nearly or fully persuaded by now that the #COVID thing is really envenomation you will enjoy this interview and begin to move on from the "is it or isn't it" stage of things and start joining the dots on a bigger scale.

Way Of The #TruthWarrior - WATCH THE VATICAN With Dr Bryan Ardis
2 hour 8 minutes - Posted Apr 19, 2022

Today I will be doing a one of a kind interview with Dr Ardis on some recent developments in his #snake #venom thesis, I will be asking him some of my own questions about it along with yours, and then getting into the #Club of #Rome, KOM, Vatican connections and the symbolism of the cult of the serpent in relation to this plandemic and how it could possibly connect into some elements of my own thesis on the Cult of the Medics.

#Capitalisme, #Climat, #Luttes #Écologie, #Gouvernement #Pétrole #La-Teste-de-Buch #Incendies #Forêt

Le capitalisme pétrolier à l’attaque de La-Teste-de-Buch

Un cercle vicieux écocidaire

Durant l’été #2022 La-Teste-de-Buch était ravagée par un #incendie, 7000 hectares de #forêts partis en fumée. Plus largement, 17.000 hectares étaient détruits en #Gironde, la région était ravagée durant cet été. Les #méga-feux sont renforcés par le changement climatique qui est causé majoritairement pas la consommation d’ #énergies-fossiles, en tête desquelles le charbon et le pétrole.

C’est donc avec un cynisme total, sur les cendres à peine refroidies de ces incendies, que le projet de l’ #entreprise canadienne #Vermillon-Energy, premier producteur de pétrole en France, vient d’obtenir un avis favorable à l’issue d’une enquête publique. Ce projet prévoit la réalisation de huit nouveaux #forages-pétroliers dans la forêt de La-Teste-de-Buch portant à 101 le nombre de forages de cette société en France, dont 58 sont actifs.

La préfecture doit maintenant se prononcer sur ce projet #écocidaire. En théorie, la réponse devrait être simple : en #2017 une loi était votée en France pour stopper progressivement l’exploitation des hydrocarbures d’ici à 2040. Une réponse positive de la préfecture serait donc une bien étrange manière de sortir des hydrocarbures. Mais l’histoire récente nous rappelle que la cohérence étouffe rarement le #pouvoir en place (au contraire de la lutte contre les violences policières qui étouffe Darmanin).

Les résultats de l’enquête publique sont affligeants. Totalisant 102 contributions, le rapport mentionne clairement un “reflet des inquiétudes légitimes du public face aux grands enjeux liés aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre et au réchauffement climatique”. L’acceptation de ce projet est donc un énième manque de respect des institutions à l’égard des populations locales et de la vie en général. C’est aussi un mépris profond pour les accords de Paris, dont le bilan est actuellement réalisé à la mascarade de la #COP28, à Dubaï.

Comble de l’ironie, l’enquêtrice Carole Ancla justifie le projet par un argumentaire délirant. En effet, si le pétrole est produit en France, cela diminue les émissions liées à son transport. On aurait ici affaire à une sorte de pétrole bas carbone.
Bienvenue en absurdie capitaliste, où des #lobbyistes mégalos se moquent ouvertement de l’avenir des populations.
Cet argument de “pétrole éco-responsable” est d’ailleurs balayé d’un revers de manche par Pantxika Etcheverry, Directrice générale de Vermilion France, pour le coup bien plus honnête : “C’est important de pouvoir stabiliser notre cœur d’activité pour réfléchir à nos projets d’avenir comme l’hydrogène bas carbone ou la géothermie”. La fuite en avant d’un capitalisme débridé et mortifère qui laisse croire que l’innovation viendra solutionner les problèmes climatiques.

Ne soyons pas dupe de la #communication gouvernementale : le climat est à la dérive et les solutions à apporter ne résident en rien dans les solutions offertes par la Start-Up Nation. N’attendons rien de nos dirigeants, organisons la lutte !

Quelques sources :


#Blocking #Sunlight

This paragraph should make everyone stop in their tracks:

Beyond the fundamental needs of #food and #water, #healthy ecosystems provide substantial and often unrecognized services to #people and societies. Changes in the #environment due to climate change and other human-driven stressors result in changes in the ability of #ecosystems to provide those services. The ongoing #Holocene #extinction event is likely driven largely by human-driven stressors, resulting in loss of biodiversity in terrestrial and marine environments throughout the Earth at a rate unprecedented in human history.

The term Holocene extinction event is defined by climate change extremists as this:

Many believe that the #earth is presently undergoing another #mass extinction event, the "Holocene extinction #event," and consider the arrival of human beings, and their dispersal over the globe, as linked to this current event.

They are admitting that we are currently in an extinction level event, that they have induced via poisoning our biosphere, but they brainwash the masses saying it happened because humans arrived on earth. They are using this extinction level event as a reason to poison our earth some more with absolute catastrophic consequences. They are blaming humans and their carbon emissions on this extinction level event. Many scientist have debunked the climate emergency. Read here the World Climate Declaration stating there is no climate emergency.

There is however, undeniably, a poisoning of our biosphere and all life on earth via geoengineering/ solar radiation management. If you would like to know more about the last 70 years of weather warfare, this is a great article.

Geoengineeringwatch also provides excellent research and you can find more information here: Bee heroic

The insanity of these evil criminals is almost unfathomable. We pay with our taxes to develop this congressionally mandated nonsensical cover up of crimes against humanity - which is what these geoengineering solar radiation programs are.

If you have not watched my interview with Nikki Florio to understand #how #Geoengineering and the Internet of Things with the Nanotechnology in our bodies is all interconnected, you should review this information packed video:

Geoengineering, #5G, #Nanotechnology, #Internet of Things and Planetary Extinction Threat
SEPTEMBER 27, #2022

For this week’s episode for Dr. Ana’s #Science of Light Radio show I interviewed Nikki Florio, founder of Bee Heroic. Nikki is a brilliant extremely knowledgeable scientist who understands the interconnectedness of life on earth. Hence her viewpoint is vitally #important to incorporate into the understanding of true #health. The poisoning of our environment…"

Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/0eb77864-4170-45b5-b101-41f3c88c249bSee less



Quote Premiered on 7 Dec #2022
Author Robert Temple joins #JayWeidner for a far ranging discussion on the #Plasma #Universe and #how this new #science #confirms many #ancient #spiritual #beliefs. The show ends with Robert reminiscing about the two years he spent on the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

@12:15.....Robert ... "One of the things I like to stress is that science is finally catching up with Ancient #Wisdom..."

@15;30.....Jay....Are there powers that be that don't want people looking into this?
Robert .... "Certainly - because if we understand all this then we can't be controlled by all the psychopaths that rule the #world.."

@16:00...Robert... "The authoritarianism is growing daily - it doesn't matter if you're left wing or right wing - that's all beside the point - the fact is it's the control freaks versus the rest of us..."

@31:30... Jay... "The big wake up call is exactly this subject - because once you actually understand the spiritual landscape of plasma physics you realise that you are eternal - you're not going to die and therefore there's nothing to be afraid of ..."

@43:00... (regarding plasma physics)....Jay... I think it's at the basis of all the spiritual traditions - I think it's at the basis of alchemy, especially - I think it's at the basis of the previous civilization that was here before the cataclysm......."