

Polish ambassador to Ukraine was called in to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry over “unacceptable” comments made by Polish president's aide — Foreign Ministry Spokesman

The story was reported yesterday, the "aid" said that Poland is getting tired of Ukrainien entitlement and lack of showing any gratitude towards #Poland.

#Ukraine #Politics #UkraineWar #Russis


The message doesn't seem to have penetrated to the Azov Batallion, who erected a billboard showing an Azovite shooting at a Russian soldier with the caption "We beat them then, we'll beat them again! Happy Day of the Victory over Nazism in the Second World War!".

Yes, before you ask, that is a black sun on the Azovite's rifle.

Well Nazis are in Italy and Swedish Government, so why not Ukraine? After all. The enemy is Russia and Islam these days (with Jewish victims as "accepted "collateral ".

#Ukraine #Nazis #Fascism #AzovBatalion #Russis #Politics #Europe


It is sickening to see all those with #Ukraine flag posting 24/7 about evil #Russis and #Putin are so freaking silent about #Aliyev and #Azerbaijan atrocities

This is yet another proof that they don't give a shit about anything except when it fits their narratives

The silence of #EU, and all other disgusting charlatans pretending to care about international law, oppressed christians and fanatic dictators seems to have a blind spot for #Armenia.

#Hypocrisy #Politics #StandWithArmenia #Europe #NATO


Trust them, they have copies of their passports after the explosions.

There is a possibility that a fraction of IRGC who is acting on it's own and see Ukraine as a key ally to US is helping Russia after the Russians helped them in Syria and Iraq.

I am not sure of Reisi or Khamenei are that stupidcto openly support Russia in this war. Because it will backfire on them in so many ways.

Ukraine war, just like Syrian civil war is fight between so many evils and alliance and friendship between arch enemies to fight their common enemy is a possibility.

But I honestly believe stories like this are just complete BD and are spread without any evidence what so ever.

But the history will tell us. As our future is getting darker for each day that passes.

#Ukraine #Russis #Iran #US #NATO #Crimea #UkraineWar